Just a reminder


Well-known member
Alright, fine J.T.

BUT !!

It's one thing to ridicule a washed up has-been. But Trump got millions of votes! AND !!

Despite nearly 100 charges currently pending against him, Trump is still in the lead in the 2024 presidential race, for both the primary, AND the general election in November !!!

W!T! F%$#@!!!
"One of the differences between reality & fiction is, fiction has to make sense." fiction author Thomas Leo Clancy Jr.
This Trump deal is not even plausible.
The point he's making is that without the producers of The Apprentice hyping Trump as some sort of super genius businessman he wouldn't have rec'd those millions of votes.
"The point he's making is that without the producers of The Apprentice hyping Trump as some sort of super genius businessman he wouldn't have rec'd those millions of votes." S2 #3
I hadn't intended s #2 as a contradiction.
Instead I'd intended #2 as the reductio ad absurdum conclusion premised on JT #1.

Was it promotional hype? Of course. That's fine.
'[Commercial] Television in America does not exist to deliver programs to viewers.
It exists to deliver audiences to advertisers.' a top CBS-TV executive CBS CBS Executive
I find it exceedingly alarming that U.S. voters by the millions would vote for CEO of the USA on basis of promotional hype from a tawdry "reality" show whose promotional catch-phrase is: "You're fired."

- dandy -
Let's slap a flattering shade of lipstick on this pig. If that was a decisive factor in Trump becoming president then those that voted for Trump for that reason have well earned an A+ for mindless gullibility.
I'd like to have the contact information for a few of the $wealthy ones. I have a bridge to sell them.
If that was a decisive factor in Trump becoming president then those that voted for Trump for that reason have well earned an A+ for mindless gullibility.
No question it was a factor and a pretty significant one at that - that reality show managed to sell Trump as some sort of genius businessman and a lot of people bought into it.
"No question it was a factor and a pretty significant one at that - that reality show managed to sell Trump as some sort of genius businessman and a lot of people bought into it." S2 #5
Trump may be an ignorant noramus of nearly blonde proportions. BUT !!
Trump is if little else media s a v v y. So Trump opportunistically built on the celebrity the network built for him.

"Nobody knows the system better than me." "Which is why I alone can fix it." presidential candidate Trump 16/07/21 from the campaign podium

"I will build a great, great wall on our Southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words." Republican primary presidential candidate Donald J. Trump 15/06/16 www.DonaldJTrump.com

Trump's groundless claim to these near super-human abilities was based on Trump's own inexperience, that Trump was from the private sector and therefore had negotiating skills mere public sector professionals didn't.
And he also claimed to be able to resolve the US national debt - after all he claimed to be a master of that subject and said that all that was necessary was to get the holders of that debt to accept a haircut (something that a company might be able to do). Thing is, that would have required the US to default (not a good thing) and ignores the fact that a significant chunk of that debt is held by US corporations (not to mention pension plans).
It's above my head S2.
I admitted defeat on such matters after I found this:

"There were 8 economic depressions while the U.S. was on the gold standard, and none after the U.S. went off the gold standard." economist Dr. Stephanie Kelton


Seems to me the unmistakable message there is, the economy the size of the United States' is more stable when it's based on nothing. Well isn't that just "special".