June 30, 2023 - SCOTUS Gets One Right: Supreme Court strikes down Biden's student loan forgiveness program


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Supreme Court strikes down Biden's student loan forgiveness program

'This fight is not over': President Biden promises to strike back after Supreme Court kills student loan forgiveness plan​

Joey Garrison, USA TODAY / Fri, June 30, 2023 at 11:24 AM EDT

WASHINGTON − President Joe Biden plans to announce "new actions to protect student loan borrowers," the White House said Friday, after the Supreme Court overturned his signature program to eliminate up to $20,000 in student loan debt for millions of Americans.

The court's 6-3 decision along ideological lines dashed the hopes of 26 million people who applied for student loan cancellation since Biden took the action last August, putting pressure on Biden to find other ways for debt relief.
"This fight is not over," Biden said in a statement. "I will have more to announce when I address the nation this afternoon."
Biden's remarks on the court's decision will take place at 3:30 p.m. ET from the White House Roosevelt Room.

It is not the intent of this topic to undermine the principle that the U.S. is a nation of laws. The legal merits of this SCOTUS ruling may be worth discussion. BUT :

This topic is about pragmatism. What was Biden's student loan forgiveness supposed to accomplish?
Some say it was intended to buy votes for Biden in the 2024 election. Perhaps.

There are several reasons to oppose Biden's student loan forgiveness program. For example:

Student "A" was diligent. While carrying a full course load at college student "A" also worked two jobs to support himself, over-worked and sleep deprived, through four years to a baccalaureate, debt free.
Student "B" got the same grades, and the same degree, BUT !! student "B" $borrowed instead of $worked, and upon graduation was over $100k in student loan debt.

Biden's student loan forgiveness is a painfully sharp finger in the eye to student "A" who endured 4 years of sacrifice.

And Biden's didn't accomplish what we might have wished for it, to inspire more U.S. citizens to obtain college degrees.

Whatever the legal merits of today's SCOTUS ruling, Biden has at least provided congress with incentive to reevaluate the current k-12 education standard.

And for those that think that's just poorly camouflaged code for more government spending, and even more deficit and debt, consider this.
Some economists argue government spending can generate more revenue than it costs. The G.I. Bill, and interstate highway systems often cited as examples.

Is it time to replace the U.S. standard of k-12 with k-14?

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The current k-12 U.S. standard was established in an era, in an economy where a high school grad. might reasonably expect to be able to earn a comfortable middle-class living.

It's a new millennium.

Advancements may have been incremental, but they're cumulative. The digital revolution (bye-bye analog), computer proliferation, and more.

The U.S. achieved global dominance by successfully out-competing our trade partners. BUT:

they're updating their own standards, rendering the U.S. progressively less and less competitive.

Biden might have had the right idea. But Biden rewarded sloth, and failed to attract citizens to higher ed.

T'sup to you congress.
And I graduated from university with no debt so why can't today's students? Of course I won't mention that tuition my first year was all of $540 - that's not per semester or per course but for the entire year. It went up to $640 second year and stayed there for the rest of my undergraduate career. Grad school tuition was actually paid by the department so I have no idea what it was.