Judiciary Committee To Investigate Supreme Court Corruption


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Judiciary Committee To Investigate Supreme Court Corruption​

Caleb Newton

The House Judiciary Committee will be holding a publicly viewable hearing next week on a far-right pressure campaign detailed in recent media reports that targeted conservative Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court with luxuries like dinner and accommodations.

The campaign, known as Operation Higher Court, has also been connected in allegations from somebody who used to lead it to a leak of a 2014 decision that freed up private companies to break with legal demands if religiously objecting. (The case applied this framework to providing coverage for birth control to employees.) Rob Schenck, the former campaign leader, indicated he was tipped off to the nature of the 2014 decision — and, it also seems, to the decision’s authorship — thanks to a ...

All for naught?
Speaker Pelosi's (D) days are numbered.
The Dems. may well strike the match.
But the Republicans are sure to snuff it out once they take control of the house next year. Isn't there something more constructive for them to do?
Pelosi should go, she's too old and been hit by so many charges of corruption along with hubby so I'm not supportive of her. The Ds need someone much better than her anyway, they should go and find more talent, it's lacking on the benches; in the Rs it's simply missing entirely.

I'm bored shitless of the endless word soup posted by ms gazpacho about how the world is coming to an end etc, but then you look at aged old lizards like Pelosi and you think well, how long are they going to remain in post? Another decade? How old is too old - how past it is too past it? Diane Feinstein certainly needs to go - of course there are mindless listless youngins like MTG who need to go too.

(Of course I am talking about both chambers here just to avoid confusion - and frankly Biden is too old and past it too - as is Trump).
BR #3
It's not uncommon in current events fora such as these to find troll-like comments to varying degree.
So this my reply to your #3 might be mistaken for that. But I've got something else in mind.

As an old man myself your perspective on age makes sense to me. But there's a Sorities Paradox element that clouds the issue. On what day does a citizen become to old to ... ?

You haven't advocated it here, but I oppose age limits, and term limits, although I do support the 22nd Amendment two term limit on the presidency.

Evidently even Pelosi agrees with you, it's time for her to pass the speakership on to the next gen.

Some advocate subordinating old persons to leave room for younger replacements with new, fresh ideas. But Bernie Sanders (D) is one of the most progressive politicians in U.S. federal government. I'm not sure one could find a replacement half Sanders' age that's as progressive.

Age & scandal aside, Pelosi was highly skilled at the leadership tasks necessary to win legislative votes on the house floor.
Finding a replacement for Pelosi is easy.
Finding a replacement for Pelosi that can match her suite of leadership skills is a practical impossibility, part of the reason she's remained in the speakership for as long as she has.

Indeed, time for her & Biden to go.
My comment may ahve seemed ageist and perhaps it was - but actually there are 80 year olds who are as sharp as a tack etc, and youngins liek MTG who aren't, that was what I was trying (and obviously failed) to say. But I cna't find anything with your comment to disagree with really.

Her own daughter said words to the effect like Pelosi will rip your head off and you won't even know it. It's true.
"that was what I was trying (and obviously failed) to say." BR #5 on BR #3
I think you nailed it. My #4 wasn't intended as correction, merely clarification.
"like Pelosi will rip your head off and you won't even know it." BR #5
Attributed to Gladstone: - tact is the ability to tell someone to go to Hell, and have them enjoy the trip. -

Legendary legislators tend to share a few essential skills, such as "vote counting". DON'T take it to the floor for a vote until you're sure you have enough votes to pass the bill. That doesn't mean persuasion and other skills aren't needed, merely that they're important, but insufficient on their own.
What came of this in the end? Anyone know?
Looks like a fizzle to me. The Republicans have lost their grip on discipline, fidelity to truth. The irony? We have to turn to Democrats for that now.
"In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty is in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed, and in the next place, oblige it to control itself." James Madison


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