It's Springtime for ....

"I didn't want this one to get lost on a longer thread" #1
I don't know enough about the technology, about A.I. to understand this.
It would be expensive, perhaps prohibitively expensive to literally stage such an extravaganza.
There are some obvious trimmings, the rocket ship for example.

In any case it demonstrates, Trump's critics are not $flat $broke.
I don't know enough about the technology, about A.I. to understand this.
You've never seen (or at least heard of) the movie "The Producers"? It's a classic and that's why "Springtime for Elon" is so funny. The centerpiece of that movie is a stage production called "Springtime for Hitler" and the spoof I linked includes significant segment lifted directly from that movie so not as expensive as you might think.

Down and out producer Max Bialystock (Zero Mostel), who was once the toast of Broadway, trades sexual favors with old ladies for cash contributions. Max's new accountant Leo Bloom (Gene Wilder), offhandedly muses that if Max found investors for a new production that turned into a flop, he could legally keep all the extra money. The duo begins to put together the worst play possible, titled "Springtime for Hitler", with a terrible director and a hippie-freak star.
"You've never seen (or at least heard of) the movie "The Producers"? It's a classic and that's why "Springtime for Elon" is so funny." S2 #3
I saw the feature in the cinema.
I recognized the connection before I clicked the triangle, based on the still image.

But the YouTube is not the feature, and I don't know how the YouTube was produced.
- If it was all done on an inexpensive computer, fabulous.
- If they had to rent a stage, hire actors, actresses, camera crew, lighting techs, and all the rest that would otherwise be required to create such production without A.I.
then it would have been fantastically expensive. Such expense can be recovered at the box office in the case of a feature length vid. In the case of this YouTube the $$$ don't make sense. Thus s #2.

"The centerpiece of that movie is a stage production called "Springtime for Hitler" ..." S2 #3
A play within a play. I've never been much of a Mostel fan, but at age 12 enjoyed

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum


There's a broader point here.
History is crammed so full of exceptions we can't enumerate them all. BUT !!
In the quarter millennium of U.S. history Trump's upheaval, his insidious destruction masquerading as benefit is unprecedented.
It is so extreme the satire to call alarm to it is often overshadowed by the policies and actions satirized.

Biden implemented benevolent policy in some cases.
Trump reversed it in some cases.
Such policy can be reversed again, returned, restored to original, in some cases.
Not so with anthropogenic global warming.
Trump maliciously stifling the infrastructure growth needed to render EV more widely viable results in extending the tenure of fossil fueled automobiles by the millions.
Thus Trump's impact upon the People, the nation, the globe may persist for generations.
- If it was all done on an inexpensive computer, fabulous.

I'm sure it was - the scenes with multiple actors and fancy sets are excerpts from the movie - simply a cut and paste job
"I'm sure it was - the scenes with multiple actors and fancy sets are excerpts from the movie - simply a cut and paste job" S2 #5
Thanks S2.
That was among the most obvious of explanations, but my memory of seeing the movie too faded by time.
From sear's notes:

Godwin's Law:
A term that originated on Usenet, Godwin's Law states that as an online argument grows longer and more heated, it becomes increasingly likely that somebody will bring up Adolf Hitler or the Nazis. When such an event occurs, the person guilty of invoking Godwin's Law has effectively forfeited the argument.

I believe Godwin's Law was formulated far in advance of Trump's political tenure.
I understand the mental frailty of one poster accusing another of being a Hitler based on a trivial infraction in spelling or punctuation. BUT !

Trump's threat is not being embellished here. We're not making false analogy between trivial grammar infraction and World War scale global conquest.
A confounding difficulty here: accurately reporting the facts on Trump objectively bears strongly the superficial appearance of ignorant, alarmist panic, drivel.

Hitler was a megalomaniac. He tried to dominate the planet, and inflict a 1,000 year reign, or "Reich".
There may be some ambiguity about Trump's territorial ambitions. But he's already cited Iceland, Canada, and the Panama Canal for his acquisition list.
And if Trump obtains even modest success with any of that, he's no more likely to stop there than Putin would be after conquering Ukraine. Rewarding bad behavior is a spectacularly bad idea.
There is uncomfortably little distinction between Hitler & Trump in this and other ways, a point emphasized insightfully in S2 #1. We get the message. What's the action plan?
There may be some ambiguity about Trump's territorial ambitions. But he's already cited Iceland, Canada, and the Panama Canal for his acquisition list.
Don't forget the Gaza Strip.

And speaking from memory he's commented that Korea has some beautiful shorelines - perfect for condo development.
Merciful Heavens S2 !
I had forgotten Gaza.

I gather this is part of Trump's plan, akin to GWB's "shock and awe". Trump has deluged us with so many of these, a bunch gets lost in the shuffle.