It's Columbus Day ...


Well-known member
And there is only one thing to say ....


and if you wonder why ...

The Native Americans did get their revenge, they infected the invading Europeans with their relatively innocuous skin disease "Pinta" which in Europeans developed into Venereal Syphilis.

Pinta (also known as azul, carate, empeines, lota, mal del pinto, and tina) is a human skin disease caused by infection with the spirochete Treponema carateum, which is morphologically and serologically indistinguishable from the bacterium that causes syphilis. The disease is endemic to Mexico, Central America, and South America.
S2 !
Between the Satanic butt-bong, and the middle finger salute, you've got censors doing cartwheels. Are you deliberately trying to make be go bald again?!

I can easily imagine the yearly Columbus Day holiday is a twist of the tomahawk to the forehead of our aboriginal countrymen.
As wildly popular as an annual Adolf Hitler day might be in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem.

Can't unring the bell.
Happy Columbus Day to one and all. Waiting for that important letter in the mail? TOO BAD !!
- maybe tomorrow -