Is President Trump headed for Prison?


Public opinion may vary on whether Trump had criminal culpability for the events at the U.S. Capitol in Jan. 6, 2021, or if so to what degree.

Beyond dispute is the fact that even if Trump's critics are correct and Trump tried to overthrow the election, Trump failed. The republic is secure.

DOJ has multiple possible paths to Trump indictment: Here’s what it could look like

The Hill

Trump is in growing legal and political jeopardy after a whirlwind week


There appear to be stirrings within federal law enforcement that may lead to President Trump having to answer for his role in the events of Jan. 6.

Is it all just a federal paper shuffle for show? Or will Trump serve prison time?
Cheney has lost her primary.
There are rumors about whether she'll run for president.
There's some doubt about whether they'll be able to lock Trump in time.

Meanwhile minority leader McConnell seems to be backwatering on Republican gains he was predicting earlier. The SCOTUS reversal of Roe seems to have something to do with that.
R #2,
I wasn't much of a fan of the Cheney bloodline since GWB's VP Cheney advocating the foolish & unwarranted invasion & occupation of Iraq. Cheney's Halliburton ties compounded the negatives of that pointless U.S. War.

In that context Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) looks pretty good. Of course, she lost her primary bid to Trump-backed Harriet Hageman.

It has become a recent Republican party hallmark to prioritize partisanship ahead of citizenship. Disgraceful. BUT !!

Evidently Cheney (R-WY) is principled enough to believe doing her job is more important than keeping her job. I've never thought more highly of her.

Problem is, who will be left to follow through, if the tiny Republican minority brave enough to stand up against Trump is replaced with Trump minions? Has the U.S. ever suffered a more serious threat to its sovereignty than the Trump lead Jan #6 insurrection?

Astoundingly, Trump is still scurrying about loose, potentially more dangerous to the U.S. than Vlad Putin.
Donald Trump may face the same charges for espionage that Edward Snowden (insert right) and Julian Assange (insert left) were handed, according
to a former Homeland Security official. Trump, pictured here, greets supporters during a rally on August 05, 2022 in Waukesha, Wisconsin.
L-R Jack Taylor/Getty Images, Scott Olson/Getty Images, Rosdiana Ciaravolo / Getty Images

Before the Trump administration a U.S. president and two infamous criminals, all three involved in similar crime might have seemed fictional.

There you have it. Assange, Snowden, and Trump.
There are some indications some private fund-raising for candidate Trump's:
"I will build a great, great wall on our Southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words." Republican primary presidential candidate Donald J. Trump 15/06/16

If Mexico's going to pay for it, why were Trump associates fund-raising for it? No point in asking about why the $skimming.
But it looks like Trump associate Bannon may have some 'splainin' to do.

Steve Bannon indicted on charges in 'We Build the Wall' fraud case

NBC News
Reportedly it took three years for New York to put together this Trump bank / tax fraud case.

Attorney General James Sues Donald Trump for Years of Financial Fraud​

Donald Trump Falsely Inflated His Net Worth by Billions
of Dollars to Further Enrich Himself and Cheat the System
Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump Used Fraudulent
Statements of Financial Condition to Obtain Millions in Economic Benefits
Lawsuit Seeks to Remove Trump and His Children from Their Roles at the Trump Organization;
Ban Them from Future Leadership Roles in New York; Repay $250 Million They Illegally Obtained

I doubt Trump will stretch rope because of this. But real estate swindles are Trump's stock in trade. Does this mean Trump's future will include him working the drive-through window @McD's? - Want fries with that? -
Scheduled for today, the last January 6 insurrection hearings before the November elections. The hearings have been canceled due to Hurricane Ian. So much for the rigors of government work. The hearings were scheduled for Washington DC. Ian hasn't yet reached Florida's Gulf coast.

Attorney General James Sues Donald Trump for Years of Financial Fraud​

Donald Trump Falsely Inflated His Net Worth by Billions

Saw a video the other day of Trump being interviewed about this, he laughed and said that far from inflating his worth he had under stated it...........................isnt that tax fraud???
far from inflating his worth he had under stated it...........................isnt that tax fraud???
Arkansas Governor Clinton turned U.S. President Clinton earned the nickname "Slick Willy", an off-color reference to his extramarital proclivities. It's a nickname given Clinton by his political opposition, grudging acknowledgement that Clinton was a skillful politician. Trump may have Clinton beat. You're right mark. Sad that to lie his way out of one crime Trump confesses to another, one ironically he may not have committed.
Trump hasn't become saintly lately.

But Trump may be getting as much attention after his presidency ended as McKinley or Kennedy.
Atlantic storms, Russia, and even a little about North Korean missiles tend to crowd Trump out. But he's still there, crooked as a pretzel.
Supreme Court Justice Clarance Thomas's wife Ginni had a closed door session with the Jan. 6 Committee. Though widely reported, details are few. Indications are Mrs. Thomas still believes Trump won reelection. Justice Thomas refuses to recuse himself in related cases.
I can't see the AG indicting Trump until after the election. Doing so would serve to "upset" a lot of people on the right and would only encourage any fence sitters to come out and vote.
Rampage, supreme court justices tend to skip such formalities as self-recusal. It's as if they're saying, if we're on the supreme court, we don't have to prove our ethical standard. We're here. We're ethical.

Shiftless2, that could be it. I hope that's it. It'll be a stunner if after the election Trump is as prosecution free as he is today. We'll have to wait and see, and hope.
S2 #14,
Ah HA!
I'd wondered why the justice department was dragging its feet on Trump. I hope you're right, but share T #15's cautious optimism. I won't believe it until I see Trump wearing a (horizontally) striped shirt.