Is K - 12 (high-school graduation requirement) enough? Or should Biden raise our standard to K - 14 (Associate) or K - 16 (Baccalaureate) ?


Staff member
We all know our world is changing. But it may escape notice, the rate of change is accelerating exponentially. Your great grandfather may have lived much as his great grandfather lived. But the life your great grandson will live would be unrecognizable. Are we prepared?

A K-12 high-school diploma standard was established when with such certificate a citizen could expect to live a comfortable middle-class life.
That was human generations ago, in the previous millennium. The K - 12 standard straddles the cusp of inadequacy.

In Dr. Carl Sagan's The Dragons of Eden Sagan asserts the fossil record indicates an unusually rapid growth in cranial volume during ice age. The severe adversity* then was cold & ice. Now the emergency is anthropogenic global warming, potentially cataclysmic.

The technology wave has crashed upon us. Can we thrive with K - 12?

Many of our workplace machines are human effort multipliers. As machines grow more sophisticated so must we.

Should President Biden help retire the obsolete U.S. high-school standard? If so, replace it with what?

* "Adversity is the engine of evolution." sear