Iran Hijab Law May Be Repealed

Borg Refinery

Active member
Tehran (AFP) – Iran's parliament and the judiciary are reviewing a law which requires women to cover their heads, and which triggered more than two months of deadly protests, the attorney general said.
The demonstrations began after Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian of Kurdish origin, died in custody on September 16 after her arrest by Iran's morality police for an alleged breach of the dress code.
Protesters have burned their head coverings and shouted anti-government slogans. Since Amini's death a growing number of women are not observing hijab, particularly in Tehran's fashionable north.
The hijab headscarf became obligatory for all women in Iran in April 1983, four years after the 1979 revolution that overthrew the US-backed monarchy.
"Both parliament and the judiciary are working (on the issue)", of whether the law needs any changes, Mohammad Jafar Montazeri said in the holy city of Qom.
Quoted on Friday by the ISNA news agency, he did not specify what could be modified in the law.
The review team met on Wednesday with parliament's cultural commission "and will see the results in a week or two", the attorney general said.
President Ebrahim Raisi on Saturday said Iran's republican and Islamic foundations were constitutionally entrenched.
"But there are methods of implementing the constitution that can be flexible," he said in televised comments. [..]

Maybe the protests had some effect after all? Meanwhile, Indonesia [the world's 'most liberal Islamic democracy'] is making new laws that criminalise sex outside of marriage.
Thanks for the scoop BR #1.
Not quite time to pop the champagne cork. But battling back government oppression generally seems beneficial to me.

Similar deal in China over COVID protocols. Not sure how that one will end up either.