Industrialist, Inventor, Innovator, Self-Promoter Tesla's Elon Musk to Become World's First $Trillionaire?


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Elon Musk could become the world's first trillionaire due to SpaceX


Tesla posts record revenue and profits in third quarter


Near Thomas A. Edison's century anniversary of inventing the incandescent light bulb Elon Musk's future is looking bright.

Musk's SpaceX success is a victory for the conservative cause. For decades NASA pretended government rocketry was the only viable way for NASA to complete its missions. BUT !
Then the private sector got a chance. So far, very impressive. Obvious example, NASA used to drop spent lower stage rockets into the ocean.
Musk engineered the means to return them to Earth with soft landing, for re-use.

There are several obvious points of interest here:
- unequal $wealth distribution
- private sector vs public sector efficiency
- innovative genius
- contrast between sensational industrial innovations, and faltering geo-politics.

Kudos Elon
BR #3 a little bit stole my thunder.
- looks good on him
BF Thumb's Up

You guys are killin' me.

I straddle the Musk fence. When I saw the video of those two lower stage spent rockets making simultaneous upright soft landing, instead of dropping them in the ocean *, I see talent. BUT
some reports say Musk runs his businesses with a somewhat Klingon-like culture.

* I'd like to see the math. At my last check (a decade ago) it cost about $150k per pound to put payload into LEO.
Does recycling the launch stage save more than the cost of the fuel to recover them?
Twitter and YouTube censored a report critical of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in coordination with the government of India, according to a top Indian official. Officials called for the Big Tech companies to take action against a BBC documentary exploring Modi’s role in a genocidal 2002 massacre in the Indian state of Gujarat, which the officials deemed a “propaganda piece.”

In a series of posts, Kanchan Gupta, senior adviser at the Indian government’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, denounced the BBC documentary as “hostile propaganda and anti-India garbage.” He said that both Twitter and YouTube had been ordered to block links to the film, before adding that the platforms “have complied with the directions.” Gupta’s statements coincided with posts from Twitter users in India who claimed to have shared links to the documentary but whose posts were later removed and replaced with a legal notice. [..]
It must be said, that Big Tech is now fully hostile towards freedom of speech around the world; they are simply about the bottom line and nothing else; Musk is actually even worse than that.
I don't mean to misrepresent your position. But if you oppose corporate hostility to free speech, I won't disagree. But I will inquire, when was it ever otherwise?

I'm not endorsing this. I'm asking the question.

For you see, by law public companies are obliged to provide service to their shareholders. When shareholder interests do not conflict with freedom of speech, it can seem all is well.
When those two interests conflict, the corporate board including the chairman are ethically, financially, legally obligated to serve the shareholder's interests.

I'm not wild about that. BUT !!

I've got $six $figures in the stock market. I'm plenty open-minded about climbing aboard the first bandwagon that offers a superior alternative. So far: nada.

When I saw those two lower stage rockets soft-landing vertically simultaneously I was exceedingly impressed. I've said it before. I'll say it again.

"Engineers are the sorcerers of the modern age." sear

That however is not an endorsement of Musk's alleged management style, reportedly one modeled on the Klingon empire.

Know what the star-ship Enterprise and a roll of toilet paper have in common?
What a team!
We should take it on the road!

Leaning over the fence one day I mentioned to my neighbor: "Know why your bathroom can be called - the transporter room - ?"
Because outside, you're American. Inside, you're a peein'.
He didn't seem amused, and he hasn't returned my lawnmower.

The following may be a few months old.
Forbes Billionaires 2022: The Richest People In The World
1. Elon Musk. $219 B ; 2. Jeff Bezos. $171 B ; 3. Bernard Arnault & family. $158 B ; 4. Bill Gates. $129 B ; 5. Warren Buffett. $118 B.