India's PM Modi, impairing India's emerging global influence?


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Trudeau Says ‘Credible’ Allegations Link India to Killing of Canadian Sikh Leader​

By Paul Vieira / Updated Sept. 18, 2023
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday authorities are investigating “credible allegations” that the Indian government was involved in the killing of a Sikh independence leader living in Canada. India’s foreign ministry rejected the allegations.
OTTAWA—Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told lawmakers Monday that authorities are investigating “credible allegations” of Indian government involvement in the killing of a Sikh independence leader shot in June in a temple parking lot.
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When Russia's Putin eliminates his domestic enemies, some might dismiss it as an internal Russian matter.

BBC News
Russian mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin was on the passenger list of a jet which crashed in Russia killing all 10 people on board, Russia's civil aviation authority says.

But if India has a practical connection to the murder of a Canadian in Canada some might consider that "an act of war".

China & India have similar populations, and it seems one of the two may emerge to global dominance later in this century.

Progressing to global dominance, China is disadvantaged because of its authoritarian profile, disfavored by Western democracies. India is sometimes referred to as the world's largest democracy. This disparity lends Western preference to India rather than China.

BUT: if India is involved in murder in sovereign nations what are India's prospects for earning global acceptance for leadership?
"Moral authority", - do as I say, not as I do - ...
The US murdered Bin Laden on foreign soil ....
And way much else.
- Extraordinary Rendition
- Guantanamo Bay
- many etc
Uncle Sam's fig leaf of moral authority seems to have been lost a long time ago.

But, deserved or not ... :
The U.S. isn't seeking to emerge as the new global dominant, as China seems to be.
India's already sparring with Russia. Russia's recent moon probe crashed. India's landed reportedly safely, reportedly near the moon's pole, reportedly to search for H2O.

Some accounts suggest the U.S. hadn't deliberately sought to dominate the globe, but found itself in that position somewhat like the last man standing, mid-20th Century.
The U.S. isn't seeking to emerge as the new global dominant, as China seems to be.
But the US has held that role for forever ... the fact that they're losing it isn't strictly due to China's actions. After all, the relative positions of two entities can change by moving one down as well as moving the other up.
"But the US has held that role for forever ... the fact that they're losing it isn't strictly due to China's actions. After all, the relative positions of two entities can change by moving one down as well as moving the other up." S2 #4
I sense the U.S.' rise to global dominance, even hegemony was not a primary objective, surely not of the Founders, even if intentions evolved with successive generations. Originally I believe many / most U.S. Founders wanted a democratic republic. They wanted to be citizens, not royal subjects. That's a lofty goal in the 18th Century. In the comfort & convenience of post-Industrial-Revolution retrospect it might seem a little more modest.
But the US has held that role for forever ...
But that's about duration of tenure, not about the process or motive by which it initially began.
... the fact that they're losing it isn't strictly due to China's actions.
I partially agree. The U.S. cannot lose its role as global dominant without something else replacing the U.S. in that role.
I've read of, but have not corroborated China's "100 Year Plan". Hitler seemed to want global hegemony. Perhaps all Earth to be Germany.
China's politburo seems to be more concentrated, more agile, more intelligently run than the totalitarian Soviet monstrosity.
... the fact that they're losing it isn't strictly due to China's actions.
Difficult to know how much of a role, but I suspect the U.S. support for globalization has helped to diminish U.S. global dominance. H. Ross Perot warned of the "great sucking sound", U.S. prosperity taking a hit as "3rd World" joined in the efficiencies of modernity.