Impeachment Vote

"Sad! Weak!" RG #1
Glad week!

I'm not yet getting the big picture on the Secretary Mayorkas impeachment.

The now apparently obsolete cliché is:
- Democrats fall in love
- Republicans fall in line

Why did these few Republican holdouts thwart this effort?
And why didn't Speaker Johnson count the votes in advance, and spare himself the legislative humiliation?

It may not all be secret. But much of it is as yet unknown to me. BUT !!

The story that's as big or bigger:
I gather the bipartisan bill structuring collapsed, so if I understand recent report correctly, the Dems gave the Republicans about everything they asked for on border legislation. BUT !
Trump doesn't want this issue solved before the election. Instead, Trump wants this issue for his campaign, because it's so easy to appeal to the xenophobe vote.

So the Republicans passed up a bill that included about everything they wanted? Passed it up to please Trump? The candidate whose eligibility has not yet been determined?
So the Republicans passed up a bill that included about everything they wanted? Passed it up to please Trump? The candidate whose eligibility has not yet been determined?
It's party over country.

Besides, if the Supremes do declare Trump to be eligible they want to be seen to be on his side - and they're going to spin the eligibility issue as a desperate attempt by the Dems to keep "the chosen one" out of office - may well work in his favor come election time. And if he's declared ineligible they're going to use that as ammunition to support who does end up on the GOP ticket.
"It's party over country." S2 #3
You may have formulated a concise epitaph for the Republican Party.

Regarding Colorado's ballot access:
A few days ago I'd have guessed SCOTUS might let the lower court ruling stand. But I heard most of the oral arguments this AM on the Trump's ballot eligibility.

Part of the ideological congestion here is, even Republicans in congress can't seem to agree even on something as fundamental as U.S. / Mexico border security. Not just failure to reach a viable political majority, but failure to approximate that within their own GOP caucus. Kind of like a head with its chicken cut off.

Bottom line here, the Republican party has an unprecedented leadership crisis. Trump has sucked the Oxygen out of their heads.
- Trump Sucks -
Looks to me like Colorado & Wyoming are the only States out of 50 that look square on the map.