Hunter Biden Trial


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I was going to add this to the "Headlines" thread but I suspect we'll be hearing a lot about this one regardless of the outcome.

Hunter Biden trial shows America’s justice system isn’t so rigged after all

Story by Analysis by Oliver Darcy

America’s judicial system is, apparently, not so rigged, after all.

After spending the last three days raging against the courts over Donald Trump’s 34 felony convictions, the right-wing media machine jumped at the opportunity to hype the felony charges being brought against Hunter Biden in a trial that got underway Monday.

Outlets like Fox News — where figures such as Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Jesse Watters and a parade of others have spent weeks bashing the legal system, even going as far as to portray the unanimous jury verdict to be part of a deep-state conspiracy against the disgraced former president — were more than happy to place a bright spotlight on the case facing President Joe Biden’s son.

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4 big takeaways from 1st day of testimony in Hunter Biden's gun trial

Testimony in the gun trial of Hunter Biden began Tuesday as jurors for the first time heard the president's son describe in his own voice the years he spent battling "nonstop" drug addiction.

The younger Biden faces three counts of lying on a federal form about his drug use to procure a firearm in 2018, and attorneys for the two parties on Tuesday established the central question confronting jurors: whether he "knowingly" lied.


Hunter Biden years he spent battling "nonstop" drug addiction.

Biden faces three counts of lying on a federal form #2
We can sympathize with those afflicted by dengue hemorrhagic fever, a disease.
We can sympathize with Ukrainians for the bloodletting unleashed upon them by Russia. Technically not a disease, but sovereignty-threatening adversity.
But when the victim is the perpetrator, as in Hunter's case?

Drug addiction is no panacea.
Some fall victim to it innocently, as in the case of Oxycodone for pain patients. In some severe cases such medication may be a salvation. But
to many such prescription opioid use may seem to create an addiction problem that's as bad or worse than the original medical issue. That's for prescription meds.

Is Hunter recovering from such trauma? Or is the younger Biden's exposure recreational? If the latter, Hunter is part victim, and part perpetrator?

All that aside, this is a matter of law. And in the United States of America some law is superior to other law.
According to the United States Constitution, our Constitution is "the supreme law of the land" [Art.6 Sect.2].
The portion of the Constitution at issue here, Article Two in our Bill of Rights, also known as "the Second Amendment".
B.O.R. ARTICLE #2: Ratified December 15, 1791
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
There is no Constitutionally enumerated exemption for drug addiction from this Constitutionally enumerated right. Is there a rational reason drug addicts are less entitled to self-defense than other U.S. tax-paying voters?

Snickering at victims of adversity is a disgrace. We can all wish Hunter Biden a full and durable recovery. BUT !
either way, what is the exact wording of the Constitutionally enumerated basis for this federal persecution?

And at what point is a U.S. citizen's right "to keep and bear Arms" ostensibly forfeit?

Trauma victims legally prescribed pain medication intravenously?
A father of two, who enjoys a glass of wine with Thanksgiving feast once a year?
A Catholic receiving Holy Communion?

The Hunter Biden story is a great big story, perhaps particularly in context of the dozens of recent Trump felony convictions. BUT !!

There's a substantially bigger story here. And that's the issue of Constitutional law, and why our Bill of Rights is being stampeded like ten thousand head of cattle over a field of snails, and fresh hen's eggs.

This is not in any way any endorsement of any Hunter Biden anything. But it's a scalding indictment against this conspicuous usurpation of the People's enumerated Constitutional right to "keep and bear Arms".
Any government officials party to the usurpation of this 2nd Amendment enumerated right disgrace themselves, and their office. And if their oath of office includes commitment of fidelity to our Constitution then those party to this Biden persecution perjure their oath of office. Disgraceful.
And at what point is a U.S. citizen's right "to keep and bear Arms" ostensibly forfeit?

Good question - the NRA and the rest of the gun lobby have been fighting tooth and nail to ban or at least limit background checks. And given some of the shootings we've seen, whatever checks are in place don't necessarily work very well.
There's no denying violent police incidents often include psychotropic recreational drug involvement. BUT !
Not all recreational psychotropic drug use involves violent crime.
Thus government leverages violent drug incidents to encroach on the non-violent.

That's not only a horrendously bad idea. It's a spectacularly slippery slope.

"Takeaways from Day 3 of Hunter Biden’s firearms trial" #6

I take no joy in witnessing laundry drying on line, even as I hurtle past it at excessive highway speed.
Dirty laundry of the president's bloodline less appealing still.
If Hunter's manifold transgressions had occurred before Hunter reached voting age, ample reason to scorn the president.

At this stage the best I can muster is nominating Hunter for a dirt-ball award.

The silver lining in this grey cloud?

A demonstrated reason to not try recreational drugs, legal or not. Trying any of them even once provides two possible outcomes.
a) Try it & don't like it? You could have spared yourself the displeasure.
b) Try it & like it? THEN WHAT ?! A life-long problem of drug dependence and addiction?

Don't go there. No good can come of it. Thanks Hunter for setting the example for what not to do.

Have I missed it? a quick check @
Seems uncharacteristically light on vituperation, moral superiority. Have they simply not gotten around to it yet?

"Hunter Biden Trial Reveals Dark Family Moments and Tests Father’s Campaign" #8

Some election year traditions remain. Election day for example is still scheduled for election day. BUT

other familiar conventions have been obscured by Trump era chaos.

"Listen, we [the GOP] are the rule of law party. Chaos is not a conservative value. And we have to fight back. And we will, with everything in our arsenal. But we do that within the confines of the rule of law. We believe in our institutions.
We are conservatives. And we are trying to conserve the greatest country in the history of the world." Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) on FOX News Sunday 24/06/02

"we [the GOP] are the rule of law party." M.J.
And that's why not only is a convicted felon leading in Republican presidential polls, meaning this isn't merely a choice imposed on Republicans from the secrecy of a "smoke-filled room", but the grass-roots preference from the Republican electorate nationwide.
"Chaos is not a conservative value." MJ
So Republicans have thrown in with Trump to complete the conversion?
"we are trying to conserve the greatest country in the history of the world." Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) on FOX News Sunday 24/06/02
Your prospective presidential nominee sir has already publicly pledged a dictatorship day one. Revoking the Constitution does not conserve the country. But then, you knew none of this made sense before you said it.

Hunter Biden Convicted on All Charges in Gun Trial

The president's son was standing trial for lying on a gun-purchasing form. The jury only needed three hours to return a guilty verdict

A JURY CONVICTED Hunter Biden of three felony counts in Delaware on Tuesday, marking the first time the child of a sitting president has been convicted of a crime.

Hunter Biden was found guilty of lying on gun paperwork and possessing a gun while battling an addiction to illegal drugs, all in violation of federal laws. The jury only deliberated for three hours before returning the guilty verdict.

Because they are federal crimes, his father, President Joe Biden, has the authority to offer him a pardon or at least commute his sentence to a lesser punishment. The White House has ruled out a pardon in the past, and Biden confirmed to ABC News this week that he would not pardon his son.

President Biden responded to the verdict shortly after it was handed down, noting that he will “accept the outcome of the case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal.”


"Hunter Biden Convicted on All Charges in Gun Trial" #11

I won't hazard guessing the sentence.

I mean no offense to the first family, but I'm more concerned about the law declaring this illegal, and the many other Hunter Biden's. Drug War is a witch hunt.
And though Drug Warriors resist admitting it, Drug War actually makes the problem worse. "Prohibition" lasted only about a dozen years. That was the War on beverage ethanol.
The War on cocaine inspired crack, created in Drug War because it's more compact, easier to smuggle.

Hunter: I've read some nice things about Belize.
Imagine what they'd have said if the jury had found him innocent


Just think, another 30 felonies and Hunter Biden can run for the GOP presidential nomination.
"... another 30 felonies and Hunter Biden can run for the GOP presidential nomination." S2 #14
The magician brandishes his "magic" wand high over his head, in the light,
while he passes the rabbit from coat pocket to top hat in shadow.

D. Trump: convicted.
H. Biden: convicted.
- dandy -

Gun violence in the United States​

Phenomenon of gun violence in the United States
Gun violence in the United States


In 2022, up to 100 daily fatalities and hundreds of daily injuries were attributable to gun violence in the United States. In 2018, the most recent year for which data are available, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics reported 38,390 deaths by firearm, of which 24,432 were suicides.
More from Wikipedia

Plenty of blame to go around.
Are our news media fulfilling their journalistic obligation? Seems like we're getting too much "magic wand", and not enough rabbit into the hat.
Fugelsang #16

"These [Biblical] books existed in the oral tradition for hundreds of thousands of years. They finally wrote them down in Aramaic, later translated into Greek, & then Latin, and finally English, hundreds and hundreds of revisions: and this is supposed to be absolute direct word of God. ... Jesus said love your enemies, Rush Limbaugh heard kill the fags." actor John Fugelsang

Not quite certain of your historic time-line JF, but it's nice to read you again.