Hobson Taliban: Global Policy Dilemma


Staff member
By Western ("civilized"*) standards Afghanistan's Taliban are brutal thugs.

The Biden administration withdrew U.S. military forces from Afghanistan, ending the U.S.' longest foreign War.
Without substantial struggle the Taliban replaced the government NATO had left in Afghanistan.
There are problems, including:
Western nations in position to help the Afghan People don't care for the Taliban, and are therefore withholding basic foreign aid such as enough food to prevent widespread starvation in Afghanistan.

The West's dilemma:
Provide enough food to prevent starvation in Afghanistan would have the affect of supporting the Taliban.
Withhold such food aid, and the insult intended against the Taliban punishes the innocent victims of Afghanistan, victim both of isolation from Western prosperity, and the Taliban's tyrannical rule.

Is there a way to support the good People of Afghanistan without simultaneously strengthening the Taliban's stranglehold there?

Hob·son's choice (hŏbsənz)
A choice between what is available and nothing; a lack of an alternative.

[After Thomas Hobson (1544?-1630), English keeper of a livery stable, from his requirement that customers take either the horse nearest the stable door or none.]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2020 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

* When asked what he thought of Western civilization Chairman Mao Tse Tung replied, sounds like an interesting idea, probably worth a try.