His Majesty: King Charles III - Long Live The King


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P.O.W. !
Suddenly King Charles !


cor·o·na·tion (kôr′ə-nāshən, kŏr′-)
The act or ceremony of crowning a sovereign or the sovereign's consort.

[Middle English coronacioun, from Medieval Latin corōnātiō, corōnātiōn-, from Latin corōnātus, past participle of corōnāre, to crown, from corōna, crown; see CROWN.]

Napoleon I crowning Josephine as Empress December 2, 1804
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.

Nope, not sure why. But I have a few very sensible cyber-friends from the U.K.
None of them seem particularly enthusiastic about Charles, not when he was Prince of Wales, and not now as King.

He seems like an unusually good guy to me.

Seems 007 was late to the party ...


Cost of the Coronation: How much is Charles III's coronation costing, who pays for it, and what else the money could have bought?​

The coronation of a new British monarch is an expensive business – with hundreds of thousands of pounds set to be spent on security alone.
The cost of the coronation will not be released until after the event but the group that is planning the huge event – called the Operation Golden Orb committee, has reportedly estimated a cost of around £100 million.

Scots are stereotyped as frugal, if not parsimonious. BUT !!

If the U.K. is a ceremonial monarchy, would it make sense to omit the ceremony?
What's the $R.O.I. on a coronation?

S2 #2
I a little bit don't get it. Wouldn't it have been Sir Chaz that would wish to bump off Mummy, so he could wear the gaudy metal hat? Chaz would've been king long ago scept 're.
Wouldn't it have been Sir Chaz that would wish to bump off Mummy, so he could wear the gaudy metal hat?
Or Mom wanting to see one of her grandsons on the throne rather than Charlie ....
- alright -

What's the heck is the objection with Charlie ?

Seems like a right guy to me. Example. Camilla is the bowser. Di was the young hottie. If Chaz was as shallow as I am he'd have dumped Camilla and ravaged Di.
- nope -
Not Sir Charles.
He seems concerned about transitioning society toward sustainable lifestyles compatible with life long into this century, & the next.

Not sure.
I know I'm out of step with the crowd. I think King Charles is OK. Why the crowd doesn't, a mystery to me.
"There's no such thing as a one-sided coin." sear

For you and me to ridicule monarchy from our 3rd millennium vantage, is metaphorical blasting pickles from a barrel with a .12 ga. magnum shotgun.
I'm not defending monarchy directly, even if indirectly it seems so.
it's not for me to say in this case. I'm aware of the "Not My King" protesters. But it seems to me if the U.K. can Brexit, they could monarchyxit as well. Evidently they've made their choice.

I hope one of the worst aspects of this monarchy is the £cost. I don't know whether this monarchy is a net £gain or a net £loss. Either way, it's for the good People of the U.K. to decide.

There is something to be said for tradition. It strikes me as charming, quaint, if also "out dated" (the term used in #6). I'd be more alarmed if they banished parliament.
But it seems to me there's a viable balance.

The deliberate extravagance is attention-getting.
But does the U.S. not have comparable extravagances? The ISS? NASA's plan to put humans on the moon, & then Mars. Lunacy.
NASA's Apollo made a little sense during the Cold War, a demonstration of U.S. proficiency with big rockets, & technology in general. ICBM's are big rockets too.

But the Cold War is over. Reportedly NASA can obtain about the same benefits from robot missions vs human missions, but for about a tenth of the price.
We're $30+ $Trillion in $debt. We can't afford these space adventures. So distract from our own failings by criticizing the monarchy?