here is gratitude for you

mark mywords

Active member
Over the last few weeks I have been hearing rumblings of similar stories to this below but they have been anecdotal

Hannah Debenham, 42, arranged for a Ukrainian woman and her 10-year-old daughter stay at her eight bedroom home in Uckfield, East Sussex, under the settlement scheme back in June.

But fractures soon began to show, with the mums repeatedly falling out before Ms Debenham asked the Ukrainian woman and her daughter to leave.

Days later, she got a knock at the door from police officers saying they’d had a complaint.

Her guest claimed to have been ‘used as a slave and full-time child minder for little or no pay under the disguise of assisting her in the Ukrainian settlement scheme’.

Ms Debenham was invited in for an interview with a modern-day slavery inspector, something she branded ‘the worst experience of my life’, and remained under investigation for two months before the case was dropped due to a lack of evidence.

Ms Debenham said the Ukrainian mum had agreed to help with babysitting two or three times a week, in return for accommodation and a £200 payment.
The women fell out several times, including one disagreement over Ms Debenham not being able to drive her guest to an appointment because she was working.
(I have done a bit of editing because the original story was a bit hard to follow)

So this woman took a stranger and her daughter into her home, housed her, fed her, provided heat, light, hot water, laundry facilities AND agreed to pay £200 in exchange for some child care and this woman reported her to the police!

I have heard of other refugees who refused to clean their own rooms and do their own laundry but this is beyond acceptable
I don't know how to make this reply seem other than a dodge. It's not intended to be. Short answer: this is why I've been a hermit for decades.


Something's wrong here mm, of that we can be sure. But there's enough ambiguity from the evidence we have here that I could believe just about any point on the spectrum from 0% fault to 100%. We wouldn't have this kind of problem if everyone were a recluse. "No good deed goes unpunished."