Help Wanted: Speaker Of The House - Only The Unqualified Need Apply


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To obtain the speakership Representative McCarthy made foolish promises to the extremists in his party, promises that proved to be Speaker McCarthy's undoing.
Though the speaker has authority over house members, there's no official authority of the house speaker over the senate, a separate body in the U.S. bicameral federal legislature.

Republicans voice opposition to temporarily empowering acting speaker​

Gabrielle Franklin / Thu, October 19, 2023 at 9:14 PM EDT / DENVER (KDVR) — The chaos on Capitol Hill continues.

With the U.S. House of Representatives still without a speaker, new solutions are arising to try to get Congress back to work, but they aren’t that popular with some Coloradans.

The U.S. House of Representatives is exploring taking an unconventional path to get back to business, looking to temporarily empower the acting speaker through a House resolution. Some Colorado Republicans are not here for it.

“Essentially what they would propose is to essentially remove the acting title, which would simply make him the speaker pro temp and probably change some other house rules,” said Phil Chen, assistant professor of political science at the University of Denver. “It would empower the current acting Speaker Pro Tempore Rep. Patrick McHenry to essentially act as speaker to help pass legislation, bring things to the floor and essentially get the House working again.”

Some members have floated the idea of having the resolution last through November, while others propose to keep the temporary option through the end of this year — some even saying indefinitely until after the next election.

There may be a technical distinction between these Republican extremists and anarchists. But in practical terms, is there a significant difference?

A house divided cannot stand. - Bible (Matthew 12:25)
On Tuesday 23/10/24 Lisa Desjardins of PBS NewsHour reported speaker candidate Emmer (R-MN) flunked radical Republican's litmus test for voting to codify same-sex marriage. Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) clarifies that:

Tom Emmer, a Republican from Minnesota, former hockey coach, attorney and also the one who's in charge of counting votes for the Republican Conference, thought he had a good chance. He's popular. He's someone who is generally well-liked and is trusted. And he came out with the most number of votes today, the majority. He was the nominee.
However, there were holdouts against him, enough of them that prevented him from getting that 217 that's needed to become speaker. After we knew there were holdouts, then something else happened that actually doomed him further. It was this statement from former President Donald Trump, who had sort of been back and forth on Mr. Emmer.
  • Trump wrote:
    "Voting for a globalist RINO" — Republican in name only — "like Tom Emmer would be a tragic mistake."
    There was the idea that Trump didn't like Emmer, but here it was, the former president going out of his way to kneecap his party's own nominee for speaker of the House. Emmer did not have a chance after that, and withdrew his nomination altogether. And it was kind of a surprise turn. Now we are looking for a fourth Republican nominee for speaker.

  • PBS Anchor Geoff Bennett:
    And we should say that Congressman Emmer, unlike 147 other House Republicans, he voted to certify Joe Biden's win.
    To what degree did that contribute to his failure to consolidate support among House Republicans, Lisa?

  • PBS Capitol Correspondent Lisa Desjardins:
    It was absolutely a factor.
    It's a litmus test for the former president and for some of the Republicans here. Another vote that was a problem for Tom Emmer is, he voted to codify the idea that same-sex marriage is legal in this country. That is something that was raised today.
    Now, talking to Republicans about what's all underneath this, we know there are a lot of layers. There's a power vacuum here. There's Trump exercising influence. There are resentments. But one Republican, Mike Gallagher, who's the chairman of the China Select Committee, said there are even more deeper issues as well.

  • Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI):
    This is the product of decades of institutional neglect. So if you have people that feel no loyalty to an institution like Congress, because it's weak, it's gone from being the most powerful branch of government to the weakest, and they're not going to abide by the rules of conference or the norms of congressional behavior.
    And it just seems like, if you disagree with someone on one policy position, like a lot of people disagree with Emmer's position on gay marriage, I guess, that's enough to say you won't support him for speaker. We can't operate that way.

"Wag the dog". How many radical Republicans involved in this obstruction of congress?

The magic number is 217.
The house could EASILY exceed that vote count if Republican leadership would agree to a bipartisan process, meaning, including Democrat votes. Reportedly house Republican leaders flatly refuse, so far.

The New House Speaker Is a Far-Right Extremist Who Helped Plot 2020 Coup

Republicans tapped Mike Johnson to lead the chamber after weeks of humiliating dysfunction following Kevin McCarthy's ouster

Mike Johnson is the new Speaker of the House. The Louisiana Republican won the gavel Wednesday, three chaos-filled weeks after the party ousted Kevin McCarthy from the position earlier this month.

Johnson, who was elected to the House in 2016, is serving his fourth term in Congress and is the least experienced Speaker elected to the position since the 1870s. Three other candidates, Reps. Steve Scalise (R-La.), Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), and Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) failed to convert their nominations into a successful floor vote, paving the way for Johnson.

Johnson may lack seniority, but he has a hardline, fundamentalist, and Trump-friendly record — which garnered a nod of approval from the former president hours before the vote.

Johnson served on Trump’s defense team in both of his Senate impeachment trials. He was also a key figure behind efforts in Congress to challenge Trump’s 2020 election loss. Johnson organized support from 126 House Republicans for an amicus brief to a Texas lawsuit that sought to invalidate millions of votes from four key battleground states won by Joe Biden in 2020. The lawsuit was ultimately rejected by the Supreme Court.

As for his policy positions, Johnson is a hardline opponent of abortion rights and has proposed ...


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#5 &
"... every house Republican voting for an election denier and insurrectionist" #6
I won't pretend this does not look grim.

Perhaps house Republicans decided better to have a bad speaker than no speaker, and
when the opportunity presents they'll make a wiser selection.
They're still here


The "lady" on the right is not the individual who is screaming in the pic on the left. Instead it's Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) who was among a group of Republican lawmakers who shouted at a reporter who asked Vice Conference Chair and Speaker nominee Mike Johnson (R-La.) about his involvement in attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

"great lengths to scrub" RM #10
Presumably it was his agenda then.
Is it not still his agenda now?

Has MJ has suffered a policy-changing transformation coincident to his gaining the speakership? Compound unlikely.

And since MJ now not only is elected to the house, but also the speakership, this suggests MJ has something to hide?

From whom?

MJ another Republican that doesn't want truth to get in the way of his career?

Sounds like the next GOP scandal will be related to Speaker Mike Johnson's gay-conversion therapy company that he and his wife are currently trying to wipe from the internet.​



What is this heritage as a Christian nation of which they speak?

Art Schopenhauer observed man can do as he wills, but cannot determine what he wills.
So Mr. Speaker, your disapproval of this subset of god's creatures is really an expression of your disapproval of god.

Despite having little more than a week to avert a government shutdown, House Speaker Mike Johnson has sent representatives home early. He was also scheduled to headline a far-right conference on Friday. Congress has just eight days to figure out how to fund the government and avoid a crippling shutdown. To say that Republican priorities have been elsewhere would be a massive understatement.

Johnson has yet to reveal the details of his supposed plan to prevent a shutdown, but he was set to speak Friday in Paris. Johnson’s early dismissal on Thursday may have been because he needed to get his talking points in order for the Worldwide Freedom Initiative. The New Republic, however, could not confirm whether he delivered his keynote speech as scheduled or attended the event on Friday. It seems that Johnson is a bit of a special guest for the WFI.

He gave the keynote speech at the group’s launch event on July 4. The inaugural conference in Paris was organized by the groups Republicans Overseas Worldwide and Republicans Overseas France, with the goal of bringing together “the world’s like-minded conservative, patriotic and center right leaders.”

Other scheduled speakers at the Paris conference included South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, a staunch ally of Donald Trump, and former Trump aide Corey Lewandowski. Noem and Lewandowski have reportedly been having a years-long affair, despite Noem still being married to her husband of more than 30 years, Bryon Noem.

Rome burned, Nero fiddled.

Conventional political ambitions might not seem consistent with this unusual scheduling technique of Speaker Johnson's.

But the Republican agenda here does not support the premise that a functional congress is fundamental to the good governance of the People.

Instead, the true Republican agenda seems to be to paralyze congress. Speaker Johnson seems to be taking the steps necessary to accomplish that.
This is the way ..... Not with a bang but with a whimper ....

Mike Johnson to Keynote Far-Right Christian Nationalist Gala

The new Speaker will speak to the National Association of Christian Lawmakers — a group dedicated to giving a right-wing “biblical worldview” the force of law

IF ANYONE WAS trusting that Mike Johnson would cool his Christian nationalist jets now that he’s risen to Speaker of the House, that faith was misplaced. Johnson has been announced as the keynote speaker of a Dec. 5 gala of the National Association of Christian Lawmakers, hosted at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C.

The NACL is an overt Christian nationalist organization that seeks to give its “biblical worldview” the binding force of law. The gala website touts NACL’s agenda of “abolishing abortion,” promoting “marriage between one man and one woman,” and “exposing the ungodly effort to undermine our culture by Leftists.”

NACL functions a bit like the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC — creating with “model legislation” that state legislatures can then copy and pass across the nation. NACL members have played a key role in promoting anti-abortion legislation, including so-called “heartbeat” bills, and the infamous “bounty hunter” bill, SB 8, in Texas.

The organization is also fiercely anti-LGBTQ. As NACL founder and former Arkansas state legislator Jason Rapert told Rolling Stone earlier this year: “For far too long we have allowed one political party in our nation to hold up Sodom and Gomorrah as a goal to be achieved rather than a sin to be shunned.”

Announcing that Speaker Johnson would appear at the gala, Rapert wrote on Facebook: “Come join us to support and honor this wonderful Christian servant leader for his leadership in our nation.” The poster for the gala emblazons Johnson’s headshot with NACL’s logo, which features a white cross on a shield of red — symbolizing “the blood of Christ,” Rapert explained in February. This biblical “shield of faith,” he added, is meant to “extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”

NACL’s acronym is an intentional play on words, invoking the chemical symbol for salt; Christians nationalist frequently invoke the biblical exhortation about being the “salt and the light” — or purifying agents in ....

I appreciate President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for his righteous defense of Ukraine's sovereign territory for the same reason I condemn Vladimir Putin's invasion.

Distill it down to a one word principle: "Liberty".

Those that battle to promote Liberty are champions.
Those tenaciously engaged in usurping it are traitors.

The traitors that participate in the latter under the guise of the former are also hypocrites.

The bitter irony is these traitorous hypocrites conspire within the Liberty accorded by those they are determined to betray.

na·celle (nə-sĕl)
1. A separate streamlined enclosure on an aircraft or spacecraft for sheltering the crew or cargo or for housing an engine and usually its related components.
2. A similar enclosure on a wind turbine that houses the energy-generating components, including the shaft, generator, and gearing, and to which the rotor and blades of the turbine are attached.

[French, dinghy, gondola, from Old French nacele, small boat, from Late Latin nāvicella, diminutive of Latin nāvis, ship; see nāu- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.