Has government over-stepped? COVID-19 vs sanity?


News and updates from Uniting NYS

Our New Commercial!

We are working hard to spread the word far and wide about our lawsuit against the Governor and her DOH for their illegal "Isolation and Quarantine" regulation. What better way than with a commercial!

Check it out here: Commercial

Please SHARE our commercial, post it on your social media, share it in your group chats, etc. We must tell the world what Governor Hochul and her Department of Health are doing. We can't let democracy die in darkness.

We would like to try to air our commercial on some local TV stations to get more exposure, but we need funds to pay for advertising. If you are interested in supporting our advertising efforts, please see our donation link below.

Another New York State Legislator Joins Our Lawsuit!
Last week we told you about Assemblyman Andy Goodell
and Assemblyman Joe Giglio getting involved with our lawsuit. Well we are proud to announce that Assembly Minority Leader William Barclay is also on board!

Together, these three Assemblymen filed a fantastic Amicus Brief with the court in support of our lawsuit against the Governor and her DOH!
(Remember, an amicus brief is a legal document that is filed by a person or group that are not parties to the lawsuit, but who have a deep interest in the case).

HOWEVER, the Attorney General's office is opposing the filing of this Amicus Brief! This is not a common practice, and it shows just how disingenuous the Governor/DOH are being.

So, Assemblymen Goodell, Giglio and Barclay filed their motion with the court asking permission to file the Brief, and now we await the filing of the Attorney General's opposition papers next week.

Get updates on the lawsuit on our website at: Lawsuit updates
Please Thank our NYS legislators
Take a couple of minutes and email or call our partners in this lawsuit and THANK THEM for fighting with us! They are true leaders, brave enough to stand up with us against tyranny. They deserve a heartfelt "thank you"!

Senator George Borrello:
Assemblyman Chris Tague: Taguec@nyassembly.gov
Assemblyman Mike Lawler: Lawlerm@nyassembly.gov
Assemblyman Andy Goodell: Goodella@nyassembly.gov
Assemblyman Joe Giglio: GiglioJ@nyassembly.gov
Assemblyman Will Barclay: BarclaW@nyassembly.gov

Take Action...

It's all hands on deck! We can use your help.

1. Media outreach
If you have some free time and can make some phone calls or send some emails, we need help reaching out to media outlets (radio, TV, podcasts, bloggers...) to see if they will help us spread the word about this terrible "regulation".
If you're willing to help, email us at outreach@unitingnys.com

2. Keep Sharing our flyers
We need to keep spreading awareness about this horrific forced "Isolation and Quarantine" regulation!
Many people do not know it even exists, yet the DOH could knock on your door tomorrow and force you into a quarantine facility / detention center!
You can download our printable flyer and the social media flyer from the lawsuit page HERE.
It's also attached to this newsletter.


Whether sharing our newsletter, donating your time or making a monetary contribution, it all supports our cause and keeps the organization going. You can donate to UnitingNYS HERE and to the lawsuit directly HERE.
Bobbie Anne is doing the lawsuit PRO BONO which means she is not getting paid, and this lawsuit takes a lot of time and will take many more hours to keep it afloat.
No donation is too small.


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Our mailing address is:
Uniting NYS
General Delivery
Yonkers New York 10710
United States

Recent news, North Korea has a disease outbreak it hasn't explicitly labeled COVID. That may be because of distrust of the outside world. But that wouldn't explain why Kim Jong Un has not yet accepted much help from China.
Also possible, North Korea may simply not have the testing capability to precisely diagnose. But if Kim Jong Un distrusts external diagnostic technology, he may for the same reason be suspicious of non-North Korean vaccine.

The downside is obvious. Perhaps the silver lining in this nation-sized gray cloud is if North Korea goes without COVID vaccine, the rest of the world may gain insight into the affect on a population of millions in the COVID pandemic, denied vaccination.
Among public institutions, infection rates were one-third higher in states with Republican governors.

Covid infection rates were higher at schools with larger endowments, higher tuition rates, and lower acceptance rates, variables that tend to reflect the socioeconomic status of their students. For example, a $10,000 increase in tuition increased Covid infection rates by around a fifth.

additional info: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html