Hail to the Chief: One Great Article About Every U.S. President


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Hail to the Chief: One Great Article About Every U.S. President

Take a trip through American history with this chronological collection featuring one fascinating thing to read about every person who has ever served as POTUS.

Alex Dalenberg

Forty-five people have served as President of the United States across 46 presidential administrations (Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms—more on that below, plus the sordid sex scandal that nearly brought him down). We’ve curated one great story or essay about every single one of them. Impress your friends by getting to know obscure facts about lesser-known presidents like Martin Van Buren—the diminutive architect of the Democratic Party known as the “Little Magician”—or Rutherford B. Hayes—mostly forgotten in the U.S., but a legend in Paraguay. Or learn something new about giants like ....

"Tyler took the presidential oath, angering strict constructionists who argued that the Constitution only specified that, when a president died, the vice president would inherit presidential “powers and duties”—not the office itself."

I was not aware of this controversy. Not sure what to make of it. Were their objections sincere? Or did political opponents dream that up as an excuse, to mask more sinister reasons for opposition?

Happy President's Day to one and all, even Biden / Harris.

This evening's news reports President Biden entered Kyiv by rail from Poland. It seems ol' Joe likes to ride trains.
The same report also mentioned Moscow was informed in advance of Biden's visit. Not sure what to make of that.
"Tyler took the presidential oath, angering strict constructionists who argued that the Constitution only specified that, when a president died, the vice president would inherit presidential “powers and duties”—not the office itself."

I was not aware of this controversy. Not sure what to make of it. Were their objections sincere? Or did political opponents dream that up as an excuse, to mask more sinister reasons for opposition?
One obvious impact - even if a POTUS died on his first day in office in the VP took the helm, that would mean that he/she wouldn't be President so the time that they "served" wouldn't impact their term limits under the 22nd amendment.
S2 #4 !
I consider it one of the most fundamental ethical / social cliche's, fables warn us, watch what you wish for. You have brightened my day w/ #4 S2. 👏