Governor Palin back in the game - can Republicans seize control of either the house, or senate in 2022 ?



Sarah Palin Advances in Alaska House Race​

Trump-backed former governor will face off with Democrat Mary Peltola, Republican Nick Begich and a fourth candidate​

Midterms 2022:
Control of Congress is up for grabs and candidates are eager to sway voters heading into November. WSJ’s Joshua Jamerson explains how Republicans and Democrats are framing the debate around key issues like the economy, abortion, gun violence, immigration and student loan forgiveness.

So far Trump endorsement seems to be a benefit to candidates in the primary.

Will Trump approval be as powerful if by election day the Mar-a-lago document scandal verifies Trump's criminal proclivities?
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I don't mean to exaggerate the cause-&-affect significance. But it's routine, the rule not the exception for the party not holding the exec (presidency) to gain house seats in the mid-term elections. We might expect a larger than usual shift in that direction based on President Biden's (D-DE) dismal popularity.

BUT !!

The recent SCOTUS ruling usurping women's right of choice, a GOP judicial coup d'état has disenfranchised a majority of the U.S. population (females are reportedly over 50% of the U.S. human population, and thus a majority). Discriminating against a minority is a bad idea. Discriminating against a majority, usurping a life-&-death right is a very bad idea. A Republican idea.

This November's elections are just a little over a month away.
The problem for Republicans is this Republican battle against both the prevailing tide (women's right of choice recognized among most of our Western allies and trading partners) presents the Republican party as a bunch of hypocritical political / social throwbacks.
Not only does this Dobbs ruling taint GOP candidate party affiliation. It has energized those disenfranchised by the GOP to vote against Republican candidates on the ballot this November.

Following a hunting accident involving shooter Vice President Cheney, comedian Jay Leno quipped:
“For years Democrats have been shooting themselves in the foot. Cheney taught ‘em a lesson. Aim higher.” Jay Leno
"Republican candidates are shifting their message on abortion after several recent elections have shown the issue energizing Democrats.
Some candidates for House, Senate and governor have either reworked sections on their websites or released ads that have sought to downplay, reverse or clarify some of their anti-abortion stances."
CNN and others are running similar stories. The more clever (elusive, evasive) Republican candidates have tossed the political hot oppression potato to the constitution, the tenth amendment. They can retain the political, electoral benefit of appearing to be "pro-life", while also appearing to be principled constitutionalists.

"Patriotism - the last refuge of a scoundrel."

Republicans used to be true conservatives, favoring smaller less intrusive, less authoritarian government. This supreme court revocation of Roe v Wade, and the widespread Republican support for it is just one more example of Republican hypocrisy. Republicans may preach for smaller less authoritarian government. But as soon as they find a social ill, they want an authoritarian government solution.
- ban same sex marriage
- ban abortion
- ban marijuana

This raises the most fundamental question about their hypocrisy. Are Republicans simply lying about political conservatism? If not that, why the hypocrisy?