Gerrymandering: a partisan political weapon with both State and federal Consequences



The Supreme Court case that could threaten US democracy

SCOTUS is scheduled to hear Moore v. Harper this term. A slim Republican majority in North Carolina's legislature has gerrymandered Republican control of 10 of North Carolina's 13 congressional districts.
"A challenge to the redistricting went to the U.S. Supreme Court, but the justices, in a 5-4 decision in 2019 , held that federal courts may not hear challenges to partisan gerrymandering. The court found that such cases are political questions that may not be adjudicated by the federal judiciary. The justices expressly left it to the state courts to find whether partisan gerrymandering violates state constitutions."
Is SCOTUS correct? Or should unresolved disputes be handled at law court?
Did you hear about Alito leaking things from SCOTUS earlier?

This SCOTUS is a joke. It needs to be broken up completely - how can a leaker like Alito be allowed to decide serious cases?????
I've forgotten the detail on the earlier Alito leak. But isn't Alito the suspect in the leaking of the reversal of Roe v. Wade, in the Dobbs decision?

I agree SCOTUS would benefit from a shake-up, or more precisely, the People would benefit. Problem is I know of no legal process for it.

Not sure if you recall BR #2, President Obama appointed Merrick Garland when Scalia left a vacancy. Majority Leader McConnell (R-KY) refused to fulfill his Constitutionally enumerated obligation, effectively blocking Obama's nomination. iirc McConnell himself has said "elections have consequences". Apparently McConnell wishes to believe that's only true of election of Republicans.

It's not clear to me SCOTUS could have / would have overturned Roe v. Wade were it not for this political treachery by McConnell.

Ordinarily I might oppose increasing the size of SCOTUS. But because McConnell unConstitutionally tilted the court to the wrong (referred to some as the "right"), and because there's no Constitutionally enumerated SCOTUS head-count, I think President Biden should appoint 2 more members to SCOTUS, increasing the head count from 9 to 11, and then SCOTUS should restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land.

I don't propose that lightly. I'm painfully aware of how radical that would be. But in context of McConnell blocking Garland from the high court, I think President Biden is deficient if he doesn't. Perhaps because it's such a bold move, Biden is suspending on it, until after his re-election.