Full Scale World War 3 Battle Lines In Early Formation?



Saudi Arabia Warms Up to Iran​

Beijing and Tehran​

Past border skirmishes between China and Russia may not prevent a new axis power emerging. Due to incompetent command Russia approaches stalemate with Ukraine. This may weaken Russia short term. Longer term it provides opportunity for a Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran alliance, a potential formidable foe for Europe and the U.S.
Iran's nuclear weapons aspirations are well known. Russia already controls a powerful nuclear arsenal. China is a primary technology producer, Saudi retains vast oil resources.

Is this the beginning of the next Cold War?
It does look grim R #1.

Of course a full scale world war on multiple continents is a grim prospect indeed, it's not the only scenario.
China's claim for Taiwan seems weak to me. But China has been dredging sea bottom, creating islands, and claiming sovereignty over them. I am painfully aware that's not merely a matter of a few acres of additional land in big fat water. If territorial sovereignty is recognized for the man-made islands, internationally territorial water rights for fishing and national defense are involved.

China seems to have plans for gradually achieving global dominance. Russia may too, though Russia's methods are troglodytic compared to China's. An alliance between them, especially if joined by others including Saudi Arabia and Iran, may be a brand new global headache.