Epstein and Wall Street


Well-known member
I'm actually surprised that we've never had a separate thread re Epstein but, since we don't, I didn't want this to get lost elsewhere

JPMorgan Chase has agreed to pay $290 million to settle a class action lawsuit brought by victims of Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking scheme, the accusers' lawyer said Monday. The original complaint against JPMorgan accused the big US bank of providing financial services that enabled Epstein's abuse, while ignoring red flags in order to profit off of a wealthy client.

JPMorgan Chase to pay $290 mn to settle with Epstein's victims

John Biers


JPMorgan Chase has agreed to pay $290 million to settle a class action lawsuit brought by victims of Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking scheme, the accusers' lawyer said Monday.

The original complaint against JPMorgan accused the big US bank of providing financial services that enabled Epstein's abuse, while ignoring red flags in order to profit off of a wealthy client.

JPMorgan has said Epstein himself is to blame for the atrocities, while arguing that it cut him off when the bank became aware of wrongdoing.

The two sides disclosed the settlement early Monday, saying the agreement "is in the best interests of all parties, especially the survivors who were the victims of Epstein's terrible abuse."

Plaintiffs attorney David Boies later disclosed the $290 million figure through a spokeswoman.

The agreement, which is subject to court approval, comes on the heels of a parallel Deutsche Bank settlement announced in May in which the European institution agreed to pay $75 million to settle litigation brought by the victim.

The suits have forced Wall Street banks to reckon with ....

- Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
But the quotation is:

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely"
writes John Emerich Edward Dalbert-Acton, 53, April 5 to Cambridge University professor Mandell Creighton. Lord Acton is a liberal Roman Catholic and a leader of the opposition to the papal dogma of infallibility
Source: The People's Chronology is licensed from Henry Holt and Company, Inc. Copyright © 1995, 1996 by James Trager. All rights reserved. (aka Bookshelf '98)
"Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that power is a magnet to the corruptible." Frank Herbert
It does not, can not justify it. But it may help explain. Those that can't satisfy what Curtis Sliwa called "the urge to merge" by attraction and persuasion may seek alternate means.
Thus the perils of the casting director's couch for young nubile Hollywood starlets.

"Sex trafficking" simply expands the victim pool.

Shame on you Epstein! Drop Dead !

- oh -

never mind

If knowledge is power, and power corrupts, and corruption is crime, and crime doesn’t pay, does knowledge in the end, leave you broke?
As the cliché attests, "Jesus Loves You" can be reassuring when heard in a U.S. church, far less so when heard in a Mexican prison.

Regarding Epstein's after-world escorts, I suspect we'll find Jimmy Hoffa before we have definitive answer on Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein Acted Like an Adviser to JPMorgan Executive​

A court document shows that James E. Staley of JPMorgan Chase consulted with Mr. Epstein, a registered sex offender, on a wide variety of matters.

It's probably a bit in the weeds for those in the nose-bleed seats, two metaphors in less than a sentence.
I'm not entirely sure myself. The C.P. Snow formula, the "short declarative sentence" might be useful here.
I haven't kept up with the Hunter Biden thing, mainly because I don't think President Biden has much if any legal culpability. Not sure.

Google's Eric Schmidt is one of the smartest living persons I can name. I base that on one 15 minute video I saw of him many years ago.

Alleged Epstein victims file suit against FBI for failing to protect them

Twelve ‘Jane Does’ accuse agency of ‘repeated and continual failures’ that helped financier evade justice for more than 20 years

The FBI is facing a claim from 12 alleged victims of Jeffrey Epstein over what they say was the agency’s “repeated and continued failures, delays and inaction” that allowed the disgraced financier to run his sex-trafficking operation for more than two decades.

The lawsuit, filed against the United States in the southern district of New York, accuses the FBI of “failing to do the job the American people expected of it and that the FBI’s own rules and regulations required: investigate the reports, tips, and evidence it had of rampant sexual abuse and sex trafficking by Epstein and protect the young women and children who fell victim to him”.

The alleged victims, who appear in court documents as anonymous “Jane Does”, are seeking ...


Jeffrey Epstein’s brother doesn’t believe he died by suicide and wants new investigation

Mark Epstein doesn’t accept justice department report that found jail officials guilty of negligence but said that death was suicide
