England Going Down the Khazi

Borg Refinery

Active member
Apparently, we need huge scale austerity and large cuts to almost everything - says our Chancellor Jeremy *unt with a wry smile..

As with the old Republicans, the old Tories actually had some fiscal sense and while highly incompetent, were still 10x better (at least ) than this lot. We don't want a return to the days of John Major but it would sitll be an improvement over this lot. I'm guessing the last time we actually had a 'good' government was long before I was born.

It's sad to see what this country is becoming with our almost-billionaire PM who is talking about migrants like they are vermin. :cry:
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Governance isn't easy.
Even in family sized units there can be tensions.
In a population of millions, it's a genuine headache.
When your outgo exceeds your income
the upshot will be your downfall.
Paul Harvey
The problem is the lack of it (governance).
Certainly. BUT !!

I believe that's a symptom, not the fundamental problem. For before governance, government must first decide on an agenda. This is the fabulous benefit to totalitarian dictatorship.

The obvious risk BR #3 is, you'll be substantially less discontented with the lack of governance once the agenda is set, and progress commences. Thus, enjoy the lack of governance while you can. It's a luxury you may not have much longer.
True, incompetent governance in some cases is worse than no governance, that's a fair point, same for delioberately malicious governance as we can expect from this lot in power right now.
"You can run, but you can't hide." Paul Harvey [I quoted him in post #2]
It'd be nice to be able to have a sensible, competent, efficient government running a prosperous, tranquil nation. Might have to move to Denmark for that.

Decades ago there was a mad bomber in the U.S.
He was called the Unibomber because he sent bombs to universities.
Authorities couldn't figure out who he was, so allowed him to publish his manifesto. His brother read it, recognized him and turned him in, on condition he would not be executed.
"There is no law that says we have to go to work every day and follow our employer's orders. Legally there is nothing to prevent us from going to live in the wild like primitive people or from going into business for ourselves. But in practice there is very little wild country left, and there is room in the economy for only a limited number of small business owners. Hence most of us can survive only as someone else's employee." Excerpt from Unibomb Manifesto: author convict Theodore Kaczynski; sentenced to Lifetime imprisonment without possibility of parole
I know it won't mitigate the governance problem there, but some say misery loves company. Might interest you to know, we've got that here too. I'm too old to fret about it. So instead I watch old '50's & '60's vintage B&W TV series reruns. It's about as close to a time machine as I can afford.
I love old 60's show reruns (you might like this series actually). I also isolate too much - and while I have a million hobbies and things I enjoy doing - I could and should do more. It does sound lovely and beautiful where you are in the Adirondacks - colour me mildly envious of you living in such a wonderful part of the world! Nonetheless, such places can be isolative and one must make the effort to build bridges and get out and do things, the pandemic can't have helped things in that regard and we are all still learning to recover from that. I was probably even worse than you were and possibly still am in that respect, so this isn't some preachy crap. Just saying you've got a great mind and to hear that makes me a little saddened.
Not sure what there is to be sad about. If something needs fixing, I can.

I'd probably benefit from taking some film appreciation courses, or perhaps even cinematography school. But I muddle along OK. Occasionally I trip myself up. One of the B&W series I watch is Have Gun Will Travel. Paladin the protagonist has an Asian sidekick. Paladin yells "hey boy" and the Asian comes running. I saw that and though to myself, no way they'd do that in 2022!
Wrong again sear.
Turns out the Asian character's name is Hayboy. Live & learn.

Anyway these old TV shows are simple enough for me to be able to figure out things, where the director fell short, or what the writers might have intended before an inept actor tried to fill the role.