Education in America


Well-known member
This article is almost ten years old but things have not gotten any better. In fact, if you look at Texas and Florida (among others) you'll see that things have gotten significantly worse

Two other articles you should read

2017 was a big year for scrubbing science from government websites. Here's the list.

After all, we can’t have students learning that science stuff because they might start asking questions.
But the issues don't stop with high school - it extends to universities. Even the Ivy's are succumbing ....


Shiftless, politicians will continue this madness as long as they're rewarded at the polls for it.
politicians will continue this madness as long as they're rewarded at the polls for it.

And it's actually worse than that sounds - by effectively dumbing down the populace they're creating an even bigger pool of people who will vote for them.
And it's actually worse than that sounds - by effectively dumbing down the populace they're creating an even bigger pool of people who will vote for them.
Ditto ditto t #4 & S2 #5, BUT !!

Republicans make similar accusation against Dems.
Their accusation:
Democrats buy votes with tax revenue with welfare and other socialist ("communist") programs. Welfare queens don't have to go to work, so they can stay home, and churn out future Democrat voters.
Democrats buy votes with tax revenue with welfare and other socialist ("communist") programs. Welfare queens don't have to go to work, so they can stay home, and churn out future Democrat voters.
You mean like these guys? The ones who are always demonized by the GOP

Quantum laziness?

A quantum of light = "photon".
A quantum of laziness = "beer"? "Burp"?