DOOMSDAY : We are ALL going to die ! But when? How? Why? Has technology outpaced wisdom?


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Der Zauberlehrling (Sorcerer's Apprentice) is often cited early warning of capability exceeding the human capacity to control, to responsibly effectively possess destructive capability.
Humanity has surpassed Goethe's poetic 1797 vision. The adversities that jeopardize humanity's continuing existence include many of our own making.

- Nuclear weapons are a common example, but are not alone, though given Putin's reckless adventurism may now be recognized as a risk of increased likelihood.
- Anthropogenic global warming, might not kill us all, but may leave Eskimos seeking shade under palm trees North of Fairbanks.
- Chemical toxins proliferate, now reportedly found at every sampling site on Earth including Antarctica.
- Doomsday Weapons, including genetically engineered pathogens that both spread unstoppably and kill reliably.

There are additional risks, including cataclysm due to celestial collision, an Earth-smashing meteorite sending an expanding cloud of planetary shards out of solar orbit.

Out of sight, out of mind?