Donald Trump reveals ‘major announcement’: $99 digital trading cards of himself


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Donald Trump reveals ‘major announcement’: $99 digital trading cards of himself

Sarah Do Couto


Donald Trump has released a series of 45 exclusive digital trading cards, which are also NFTs, for public sale. One trading card costs US$99 (about $135 Cdn)

There’s no denying that Donald Trump has had a diverse career, but new trading cards just released by the former president depict Trump as everything from a glossy superhero to an astronaut in full space gear.

Trump, 76, after teasing a “major announcement,” launched his own exclusive digital trading cards — which are also non-fungible tokens (NFTs) — on his Truth Social account on Thursday.

“MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! My official Donald Trump Trading Card collection is here!” Trump wrote. “These limited edition cards feature amazing ART of my Life & Career!”

More here:

The choice is yours - do you want to laugh or puke?
The symbolism seems ill-conceived to me. Presidents Bush distinguished one from the other by odd numbers (for odd presidents?), #41 & #43.
Obama was #44, Trump #45 as his fashionable Winter boots indicate. BUT ! It seems like Trump has planted the flag with his one-term presidency, somewhat conceding no future presidential opportunity.

The environment of the graphic is akin to a wrestling ring, and such "wrestling" in the U.S. is notoriously fake, staged, choreographed. TWO corners are labeled "Trump" Perhaps unintended, suggesting Trump is competing against himself, or that he's in "the ring" alone.
I believe Trump himself may be his own most formidable adversary. It just seems a little odd that Trump would wish to charge $99 to spread that perspective.

But that's what Trump has taught us about him. $money is worth more to Trump than his own reputation, his own integrity.
"Radical Islamic terrorism. It will be eradicated, believe me." President Trump, mid-September, 2017 following a terrorist attack on a tube train in Parson's Green station in the U.K.

MAGA rioter 'can't believe' he's going to jail for Trump after watching trading card stunt

Notorious Capitol rioter Tim Gionet, better known by his Twitter name "Baked Alaska," was suddenly filled with regret over his life decisions after watching former President Donald Trump hawk digital trading cards in a video in which he also declared himself a better president than George Washington.

Gionet, who earlier in the day said he believed Trump's digital card gambit means he "can't win" in 2024, wrote a follow-up missive in which he questioned his own decision to storm the Capitol building on January 6th, 2021.

"I can’t believe I'm going to jail for an NFT salesman," he lamented.

Earlier this year, Gionet pleaded guilty to ....

But don't worry - he's still not rational:

Although Gionet was once a major Trump supporter in his first two presidential campaigns, he has now apparently switched his allegiance to rapper Kanye West, who has taken to openly praising Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and denying the Holocaust.

Donald Trump's 'Digital Trading Cards' Sold Out In One Day - Forbes

18 hours ago ... All 44000 of Trump's $99 NFTs sold out, according to

I don't have a clear mental image of what these "NFT's" are. Why are they not infinite? If it's merely an apparition on the computer display, anyone that's willing to spend $99 can get one. Right?

Apparently not.

You can make your own joke about: Trump / sold out
New on my substack: Want to own a Trump NFT Trading Card? You can't - you don't fully own them. If you sell them, you have to kick back 10% of the proceeds to Trump & fellow grifters, whose corporate web traces back to a small house linked to fraudsters.

Trump's Trading Card Grift is Worse than You Think

Shell companies, rubbing elbows with international criminals, and worse in his scam of scams​

Kurt Eichenwald

When Trump posted his “big announcement” that he was selling his own NFT trading cards, the whole world burst out laughing. Members of the MAGA cult had thought he was going to declare his candidacy for Speaker of the House or maybe reveal the identity of his Vice-Presidential selection in his third run for the White House. QAnon cultists felt sure he was going to identify members of the Deep State, or the arrest and execution of Democrats, or that the military had installed him as President.

Nope. Trading cards.

Funny, yes. But it is far, far worse than you think. And to understand why, we have to begin tracing the web of corporations involved in producing these worthless digital cards. They lead to some sleazy places.

Continued. ....

Twitter's reaction
I was going to cut-&-paste a copy of the art in post #1,
and explain that I already have one. BUT !!

Instead of the graphic being duplicated in this post, instead I got an error message:
Oops! We ran into some problems.
The uploaded file is too large
I've been getting that here a lot. I haven't figured out what the bottle neck is.
Whatever it is, it seems to affect s, but not S2. - hmmm -