Despite Mandate, I.R.S. Delayed Auditing Trump in Office, House Panel Finds


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Despite Mandate, I.R.S. Delayed Auditing Trump in Office, House Panel Finds

The Internal Revenue Service failed to audit former President Donald J. Trump during his first two years in office despite a program that makes the auditing of sitting presidents mandatory, a House committee revealed on Tuesday after an extraordinary vote to make public six years of his tax returns.

Mr. Trump filed returns in 2017 for the two previous tax years, but the I.R.S. began auditing those filings only in 2019 — the first on the same day in April the Ways and Means Committee requested access to his taxes and any associated audits, a report by the panel said. The I.R.S. has yet to complete those audits, it said, and the agency started auditing his filings covering his income while president only after he left office.

The revelation could transform the political context of the committee’s nearly four-year fight to obtain information about Mr. Trump’s taxes and any related audits. Its chairman, Representative Richard E. Neal of Massachusetts, had said the panel needed the data to assess the I.R.S.’s mandatory presidential audit program, but Mr. Trump’s lawyers and Republicans called that a pretext for a politically motivated fishing expedition.
The suggestion of dysfunction in the auditing program was an early takeaway in what could be a series of disclosures related to the release of Mr. Trump’s returns. Democrats said it might be ...


IRS mandatory presidential audit policy goes under spotlight


An IRS policy governing the audits of tax returns filed by U.S. presidents is under new scrutiny after a report published by a congressional panel found the agency failed to perform the mandatory inspection of Donald Trump's returns until Congress pressed for information about the process.

The three-point policy states that individual returns for the president and the vice president are subject to mandatory review, “should always be kept in an orange folder,” should be kept from the eyes of IRS employees and “should be locked in a secure drawer or cabinet when the examiner or reviewer is away from the work area.”

The report released Tuesday by the Democratic majority on the House Ways and Means Committee said the process, which dates to 1977, was “dormant, at best” during the early years of the Trump administration. Democrats in Congress are responding by introducing legislation that would codify the IRS policy into law with more stringent requirements.

Tax experts say the failure to launch the audit earlier is emblematic of a larger problem regarding the IRS’ capacity to examine high-income taxpayers’ returns — and a reminder of Trump as a norm-defying president.

John Koskinen, who served as IRS commissioner during both the Obama and Trump administrations, said the policy has been out of the public eye because presidents have traditionally released their tax-return summaries to the public.

“It only became an issue with a president who refused to release his tax returns,” Koskinen said. “If Trump had been releasing his returns, nobody would have raised this issue.”

Trump’s tax returns being handed over to Congress recently is the culmination of a yearslong legal fight between Trump and Democratic lawmakers.

Steve Rosenthal, senior fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, said the IRS’ failure to audit Trump is a showing that “the mandatory auditing program is broken, we cannot rely on the current system to fairly audit the president, and there’s a general problem of the IRS auditing sophisticated taxpayers.”

Rosenthal added: “This is a much larger problem than Donald Trump — yes, he makes bad things worse, but the situation was bad to begin with.”

A new ...


Melania Could Face Prison Over Jointly Filed Fraudulent Taxes

Jason Miciak

Did you know that when a married couple files taxes jointly, both are just as responsible for any fraud within the tax returns, no matter who made the majority of the money, who was talking to the attorneys/accountants, or who made the decisions? Yes, of course, you did.

Did Melania know this? Did she know it in seven languages? Very tough to tell. Sometimes it’s tough to tell whether Melania is so smart she can manipulate Trump in a way no one else can, or she might be as stupid as she often sounds. This is the person who thought she could plagiarize Michelle Obama’s speech and not a single person in the country would notice. It’s hard to tell whether she knew that signing her name on her tax returns, above the language (English) that lying in any part was perjury and/or fraud and thus may have consequences.

Donald Trump is now facing real criminal exposure over what looks like garden variety tax fraud, and that means… Yes, he and Melania filed jointly. According to ....

No Trump income tax bombshell headlines so far. Trump has reportedly paid less than a thousand dollars tax in several recent years. Any "smoking gun" yet?
No Trump income tax bombshell headlines so far. Trump has reportedly paid less than a thousand dollars tax in several recent years. Any "smoking gun" yet?
Define "smoking gun". And then tell us why, if there is nothing there, why he fought so hard to prevent the release of his tax returns. A fight that went all the way to the Supreme Court. A court that is stacked with his sycophants.
R #8
You've gotten cryptic again. You mean headlines like: "Trump in custody ..." ?
Now I gather they have to do the forensic accounting. We already know Trump under-valued his liabilities when paying tax, and over-valued them when used as loan collateral.
I may not know the other details. But I doubt it's atypical of Trump's dealing.
The % population that wants Trump on trial may be higher than related poll numbers suggest. I deduce a certain if varying % of Trump supporters simply enjoy Trump for his entertainment value. They enjoyed Trump from the bully pulpit, but would enjoy him just as much if not more from the witness stand. I acknowledge it's political cannibalism

The appetite, the popularity of the carnage at the Colosseum in ancient Rome has not evolved out of us. We're as barbaric as they were. BUT !!
Our 21st Century arena is politics, and the marble amphitheater is in DC.
The Trumpers want to see someone tossed to the lions. I doubt they'll mind much if it's Trump that's tossed. Isn't that lovely? Something we agree on.

S2 #9
I think this is Trump 101 here. It's his basic ground-rule: delay, evade, obstruct. At least Trump knows how to statistically minimize his exposures. But I agree, Trump's "Plan-C" may well be the court he stacked.

Tiedrich #7
Please find an unused (new) bar of soap and scour your potty-mouth with it. Keep at it until the foam looks like Santa's beard.