DADDY WHO? Ivanka cuts deal with New York Attorney General


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DADDY WHO? Ivanka cuts deal with New York Attorney General​

Ty Ross

Donald Trump’s favored child, Ivanka, has been given a pass in the case against her father’s company, the Trump Organization. The former President’s eldest daughter was recently excluded from a judge’s order for a court monitor to oversee the company’s business dealings — protecting her own business interests in the process.

Ivanka, who made nearly seven hundred million dollars while working in the White House during daddy’s one-term presidency, will not be subjected to the oversight of the court-ordered babysitter.

New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a $250 million lawsuit against the Trump Organization four months ago to keep the slippery ex-commander-in-chief from playing hide and seek with the company’s financials and avoiding paying multi-million dollar fines.

On December 5th, Attorney General James modified the preliminary injunction order, releasing the former President’s daughter from ...

You have to wonder what Ivanka gave up in return
$700 $M ?
The generally quoted figure is that Jared and her made $640 mill while Daddy was in the White House so $700 mill isn't an unreasonable estimate.

She may be $richer than her old man.

True - all we have is the Orange One's unsupported word that he's worth billions - depending on how much he owes the Russians his net worth may actually be negative.
I'd want to review the candidates list before I commit, but I suspect history will show, in human history up through 2022 D.J. is among the worst, most flagrant shysters in human history.

Does Ivanka have a sister? I didn't even suspect that until a week ago.

Trump drops $250 million lawsuit against Letitia James after judge's stark warning

Judge lists the 'telltale signs' of a frivolous Trump lawsuit in scathing order

Florida judge whacks Trump lawyers with nearly $1 million in sanctions for 'misuse of the courts'

The New York Times

Judge Orders Trump and Lawyer to Pay Nearly $1 Million for Bogus Suit​

I was wondering if Trump has the $cash. I understand Trump can claim to be a $millionaire. But I gather he's very highly leveraged, reportedly to substantial degree based on $fraud. Reportedly Trump under-values his assets for tax purpose, and over-values them for bank loan collateral.
So I was wondering whether Donald might have to borrow the $cash from Ivanka (presuming she'd agree. That's less than a certitude).

I vaguely recall recent reports Trump's tax & or financial records were court ordered to be made public. I don't recall any actual $numbers. I strongly suspect Donald's net worth is nowhere near as great as he wishes us to believe.
Until he's in prison, expect the worst - expect nothing to come of any of it.

Even IF the Trump Org is dissolved he can just rely on his wealthy backers and millions of donors to come to his aid anyway, they will pay for literally anything, they are proud to have paid for Bannon's We Build the Wall scam adn still think it's a conspiracy theory and the wall was real; that he actually built most of it.

You can't convince these people.
Can some journalist interview all the lawyers who get stiffed by Trump and co to find out why they keep working for grifters who never pay their bills?


Until he's in prison, expect the worst - expect nothing to come of any of it.
Seems not plausible to me it's gone this long. "One of the differences between reality & fiction is, fiction has to make sense." fiction author Tom Clancey
You can't convince these people.
Because they lack conviction?
Seems to me you're right. Also seems to me, what's more important to Trump than actually being rich is fooling people into believing he is. As if he'd prefer to be envied than indulged.

Him & Trump, two pees in a pod.

BTW, the rumors of Bannon being a buttocks pincher might have seemed unsubstantiated. Does the pic in #11 leave any doubt?
I assume that wasn't a spelling mistake?
If not for caustic satire, s #12 might be dismissed as vulgarity. When you insult Trump or Bannon, urine good company.

What's not so funny, Trump is still loose. I see no persuasive official government indication Trump will ever do a day of jail / prison time for his Jan. 6 insurrection. And in my opinion that vastly increases the likelihood of similar treachery in the future, if we demonstrate by precedent that such treason goes unpunished.
Evidently survival is one category where even North Korea rivals the U.S.
What a nation to be surpassed by!

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Subpoenaed in Jan. 6 Investigation​

The special counsel overseeing the inquiry into Donald Trump’s efforts to retain power after the 2020 election wants the former president’s daughter and son-in-law to testify to a grand jury.

'A stupid strategy': Trump's sending his kids into a 'perjury trap' in fraud trial return
Tom Boggioni / November 12, 2023 9:54AM ET

With Donald Trump Jr. expected to be the first witness on Monday as the Trump legal team mounts its defense, Trump's former "fixer" [former Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen] claimed it made no sense to put Don Jr., Eric and Ivanka in the position of possibly perjuring themselves when Judge Arthur Engoron has already ruled there was fraud in the case.

If you love me too, wouldn't you throw me under the bus as well?