COUNTERPOINT: a contrast of policy positions


Staff member

Hamas has attacked Israel again.

Statement From Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III on U.S. Force Posture Changes in the Middle East​

Oct. 8, 2023
"My thoughts continue to be with the people of Israel ..."

Secretary Austin:

Splendid Mr. secretary.
But after the Nazi holocaust Israelis & Jews repeated a slogan: "Never Again".

Bear in mind, Hitler's holocaust didn't begin with Zyklon B gas chambers. Instead Jews were concentrated into ghettos, separated from the greater German population.
In the Middle East Palestinians are separated from the greater Semite population. In both cases they were / are treated as inferior.

So apparently "Never Again" applies to Jews (or Israelis?), but not Palestinians?

"If you want friends, be a friend. If you want good friends, be a good friend."

Israel has made unmistakably clear over the generations it intends to lift itself up by forcing Palestinians down.
Any wonder then that Israel is met with forceful retaliation including this war by Hamas on Israel?

In the U.S. there is bipartisan support for Israel, despite Israel's conspicuous and ongoing hostility in the region. In fact, the U.S. promotes the military power within Israel for this militaristic Israeli belligerence.

Has any U.S. Department of State in the past several presidential administrations considered the deliberate adversities Israel imposes in Gaza and elsewhere?

And the U.S. is openly supporting these oppressors?

This post is not an attempt to express approval for this most recent Hamas attack.
Instead, should any other outcome have been expected, knowing what we knew yesterday about how Israel treats its neighbors? You reap what you sow. Galations 6:7