Conspiracy Theories: a COVID-19 Example


Staff member
"The primitive simplicity of their minds (the masses) rend them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one for they themselves often tell little lies but would be ashamed to tell the big ones ... The victor will never be asked if they told the truth. ... Success is the sole earthly judge of right & wrong."

"Truth is not as important as success." Adolf Hitler

The following link is to a simulated event. Any idea what the participants hope to gain?
"Truth is not as important as success." Adolf Hitler
A very important statement, and one that should be viewed with alarm while watching the Ukraine peoples struggle.
I'm not Catholic W #2. But I can't vehemently criticize Rome's "seven deadly sins" list. 1. Gluttony 2. Anger 3. Envy 4. Greed 5. Lust 6. Pride 7. Sloth

If Putin sincerely believes Russian military conquest of Ukraine is necessary for the preservation of Russian sovereignty then he's skipped a cog.

I imagine that's his fig-leaf, and Putin's more fundamental intention is merely to satisfy his own greed. Putin wants Ukraine. And it seems Putin is willing to declare martial law in both Russia and Ukraine to get it. Is there are more plausible explanation?

Meanwhile, Ukraine seems to have temporarily displaced the attention the vaccine alarmists seem to crave. I figured something would knock the COVID-19 pandemic off the top headlines. I didn't think it would be international military conquest in Europe that would do it.
It appears that a growing number are casting blame as to a "Leak in a laboratory" in China. Something that when this Virus was first discovered was quickly "put aside".
One wonders if the West "knew" this but at the time played it down. Now with present events taking more and more notice between East and West, it's yet another "play" to stir the heat.
W #4
Could be.
I've not gotten much recent word of it. The most recent word I got, perhaps around March 1 or so, that the source of COVID-19 appears to have been a leap from animal virus to human virus, probably at a food market in China.

The bio-weapon escape scenario has also made news. But I thought that was more alarmist suspicion than verified science.
W #4
Could be.
I've not gotten much recent word of it. The most recent word I got, perhaps around March 1 or so, that the source of COVID-19 appears to have been a leap from animal virus to human virus, probably at a food market in China.

The bio-weapon escape scenario has also made news. But I thought that was more alarmist suspicion than verified science.
Perhaps, but at the time of the announcement, the claim that the virus was "man made" did not have a great deal of coverage. Question, if the Virus did suddenly jump from animal to man, one wonders why it took so long? And the Laboratory was very close to where the Virus suddenly appeared!
It may be an artifact of perception W. To understand the power of evolution, consider the transition of life on Earth, from primordial goo, Queen Elizabeth in a mere billion years or so.
It may be that animal viruses leap to humans, & then fizzle. Then there are the fence-straddlers, Ebola Zaire for example. It's a horrendous disease. But it flares up, and then either fizzles on its own, or is snuffed out with modern medical quarantine protocols.
I'd be surprised if there are others that we never hear about. BUT !! COVID-19 grabs headlines, and so it's perceived as a discrete entity. It's actually just one soldier in an army of unknown size.

I'll add, if COVID-19 is China's evil-doer's idea of a doomsday bio-weapon, we won't be losing much sleep to China's evil-doers.
It appears, so I read, that China is once again "battening down the Hatches".
The Virus seems to spreading again rapidly in areas once clear of the decease.
One wonders if :-
I have learned more from mistakes,
then from my successes------ Sir Humphry Davy
China wouldn't seem to have much to fear from COVID-19. People in the U.S. that don't want to wear masks don't wear masks. That may also mean instead of enjoying their latte at Starbucks they have to settle for plain black coffee from a drive-through window.
In China, don't comply with requirements and end up working 12 hour shifts at a sneaker factory.