CBS-TV Nora O'Donnell reports: The Minneapolis police officer that shot Amir Locke dead in his own living room "will not face criminal charges."


Staff member
Subject: Amir Locke

Reported this evening by CBS-TV Nora O'Donnell:
The Minneapolis police officer that shot & killed Amir Locke pursuant to a no-knock warrant on 2022/02/02 06:48 "will not face criminal charges. Prosecutors say the officer's actions were justified. The incident prompted the mayor to halt no-knock warrants."

What this means is, a U.S. citizen, $tax $payer, is not safe from sudden early morning home invasion & execution by the very government chartered to protect us, EVEN IN OUR OWN LIVING ROOMS while sleeping comfortably under a blanket.

So the carnage at the hands of our own police responsible for protecting and defending our welfare, their killing spree continues. Have a nice day,

if you can.