Canadian "hooker" in female ice hockey uniform: Olympic Gold


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Canada's women's Olympic ice hockey team defeated the United States women's team 3:2 winning Gold after midnight/ET on 17 February, 2022. BUT !!

Not without a summary decree by international treaty to which both nations are signatory. The offense: "Hooking"

tsk tsk

Oh Canada ! "Hooking" means:

3. Slang To work as a prostitute.

For a women's ice hockey team? On camera ?!
It's official, by international agreement. But the implication:
If one out of a few dozen Canadian female ice hockey players is a hooker, a ratio of one in 24, does the full Canadian population approximate that ratio of hookers as well? In a nation synonymous with ice hockey?

Pictured above: the happy "hooker" herself, in the penalty box. Congratulations Canada. You must take great pride in this great team, the best in the world. [/satire?]


  • hookingIceHockeyCanadaOlympicWomen220217btheHookerInPenaltyBox1.JPG
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