California mulls statewide standards for religious garb in jails


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California mulls statewide standards for religious garb in jails​

United States advocacy groups say the ‘common sense’ bill would help protect incarcerated people’s right to religious freedom and expression.
Los Angeles, California, the US – Sajad Shakoor faced a painful choice while incarcerated at California’s Pleasant Valley State Prison in 2002: remove his chitrali cap — a core part of his identity as a Muslim of Pakistani heritage — or end up in a solitary confinement cell known informally as “the hole”.
In order to comply with prison regulations, Shakoor had already made the difficult decision to shave his beard. Other Muslims, many of whom consider growing long beards to be a religious obligation, had refused to do so and been sent to solitary.

Where should the line be drawn?
In prior centuries incarcerated persons were required to keep hair short for personal hygiene reasons. Is that no longer an issue? Do you think there's a mattress in a U.S. prison cell that isn't infested?

Religious Liberty is splendid. So is stopping off at the store on the way home from work, to pick up a loaf of bread, and a 6 pack.

Criminal convicts forfeit some of that Liberty. Is there a compelling reason exceptions should be made here?

Prison uniforms were in decades past broad horizontal alternating black and white stripes.
More recently, orange jumpsuits.

Where should the line be drawn? How accommodating should U.S. society be, to incarcerated citizens?
Could be interesting where Sikhs are concerned. They're required to follow the 5 K's - The Five K's are the markers of Sikh identity, and they consist of: uncut hair, a short sword or knife, a steel wristband, a wooden comb, and shorts worn as an undergarment.

Admittedly the knife is generally glued in it's sheath.
But if religious garb is going to be allowed what about Pastafarians? After all, California already allows their traditional religious garb to be worn on driver's licenses:


Do you suppose they'll be wearing that when CHP stops them?

Thirty years ago, he became the first Mountie to wear a turban ...​

May 9, 2021 ... This month marks the 30th anniversary of when Baltej Dhillon graduated from the RCMP training academy and made history as the first Mountie ...

topic drift:
Reminds me of the gal that got hammered the night before she had her driver's license photo taken, so if ever caught DWI she could just tell the COP, no I always look like this.