Brexit - consequences


Well-known member
Didn't want to see this buried in another thread


I had an ill-defined suspicion this would result. Short on specific detail, but based on such basic principles as economy of scale, the detriment of tariffs, etc.
I got the impression there was not sufficient scholarly debate to inform the electorate before the Brexit plebiscite.
I sense the voters decided more on basis of national pride than economic merit.

I suppose the bell can be un-rung, BUT the cost may simply be deemed too high at this point. They may have to stew in relative poverty for quite a while before they Fixit.

Worth noting however, while the British standard of living might not seem to bear directly on life in the U.S.,
the U.K. is a military ally to the U.S.
Even if Britain adheres to the NATO military spending target, a poorer Britain will spend less on military, thus rendering NATO a less effective military presence. And that affects not only the U.S., but all NATO member nations.