Bill Cosby says he plans to do comedy tour in 2023

This is an ideal topic for the "he's served his time" crowd.

Seems a shame. I've thought of, and probably called Cosby "America's Grampa". Even if non-substantive there's an appearance of ideological endorsement of Cosby's criminal misconduct by contributing further to his commercial reward. So how do we split the baby? Support the recovery without indulging the criminal?
Where do Christians stand on this? Any of them going to buy a ticket?

I hope this isn't topic drift:
Robert Culp, Cosby's co-star in I Spy spoke of Cosby in reverent terms regarding helping to break the television color barrier of the day. That reverence was expressed years before the Cosby sex scandal. I suppose that's why it's such an interesting topic S2. It's about substantial good, contrasting substantial deliberate (or at least indifferent) harm.