Biden to Cancel $10,000 in Student Debt; Low-Income Students Are Eligible for More ...



Biden to Cancel $10,000 in Student Debt; Low-Income Students Are Eligible for More​

The debt forgiveness comes after months of deliberations in the White House over fairness and fears that the plan could make inflation worse ahead of the midterm elections.

Liberals may consider this good news. Beware the law of unintended consequences.
To oversimplify:
Some students took it easy in college, accumulating student loan debt of many tens of thousands of dollars, leaving their time free to study or party.
Other students carried a full course load, but in addition held one or more jobs, to help pay their way.

Biden's "success" is a slap in the face to those that worked instead of borrowed. And it rewards indolence. After all, both the (formerly) deeply indebted party animals, and the diligent worker students, thanks to Biden will toe the starting line even.
But that's not just a single flaw in an otherwise impeccable political philosophy. It is the consequence of this implementation of the liberal political philosophy. The question is: are the Republicans conservatives genuine enough to present persuasive counterargument. McConnell may.

"A liberal is someone who would give you the shirt
off someone else's back."
Thanks t #1.
It seems there's some question about whether Biden has the authority to do this. The courts can settle that one.

But the obvious question: is this the best $bang for the $buck we can get for this $money?
For this same amount of money, why not place college within reach for those that would not otherwise attend?