Biden Appoints Female Admiral To Lead U.S. Navy: Affirmative Action?


Staff member
Aaron Kliegman
Fri, July 21, 2023 at 5:55 PM EDT

President Biden has overruled the Pentagon and chosen Adm. Lisa Franchetti to lead the Navy, making her the first woman, if she's confirmed, to be a Pentagon service chief and the first female member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Biden's decision goes against the recommendation of his Pentagon chief, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who recommended the president select Adm. Samuel Paparo, the current commander of the Navy's Pacific Fleet, according to multiple reports.
In a statement on Friday, Biden noted how Franchetti is an unprecedented choice for such a high-level military post due to her sex, adding that she's the second woman ever to achieve the rank of four-star admiral in the Navy.
"As our next chief of naval operations, Admiral Lisa Franchetti will bring 38 years of dedicated service to our nation as a commissioned officer, including in her current role of vice chief of naval operations," Biden continued. "Throughout her career, Admiral Franchetti has demonstrated extensive expertise in both the operational and policy arenas."

Despite having a different recommendation, Austin praised Biden's selection, saying, "I'm very proud that Admiral Franchetti has been nominated to be the first woman chief of naval operations and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, where she will continue to inspire all of us."
Franchetti marks another first for the Biden administration's Pentagon, which has had the first Black secretary of defense and the first female Army secretary.

There are nations less diverse than the U.S., Japan for example. The U.S. sometimes called "a nation of immigrants" has made efforts to present diversity as a strength. Is President Biden over-doing that here? Surely Defense Secretary Austin is aware of the "glass ceiling".
And Secretary Austin's recommendation differed from Biden's pick here.

President Reagan appointed the first woman to SCOTUS, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Did that historic change jeopardize the U.S. judicial system?
Now President Biden has appointed the first woman 4 star admiral to lead the Navy. Will this historic change jeopardize U.S. sovereignty?