BBC: Turkey supports Finland and Sweden NATO bid


After Russia invaded Ukraine, Finland and Sweden expressed interest in joining the mutual defense pact NATO.
Turkey objected.
BBC now reports those objections have been resolved.

Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg said Sweden agreed to step up its work on Turkish extradition requests of suspected militants.
The two Nordic nations will also lift their restrictions on selling weapons to Turkey, he said.
Finland's President Niinisto said the three countries signed the joint memorandum "to extend their full support against threats to each other's security".
Sweden's Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said it was "a very important step for Nato".
Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's office said it "got what it wanted" from Sweden and Finland.

If these two additional nations join NATO, how will that affect Russia's dealings with the rest of the world in the next 5 to 10 years? Will it tend to divide the world into NATO / EU, vs others, including China, Russia, & North Korea? Meaning, even if this looks like a victory in short term, how will it affect globalization as humanity transitions to low Carbon prosperity?
I don't have details on it R #1.
But at superficial glance it seems to me Turkey caved on this pretty quickly, considering the nature of their original objections, regarding Turkish national security.
It leaves me to wonder, how much behind the scenes arm-twisting did it take to get Erdogan on board.

In any case I agree, there may be serious hidden perils to reckless NATO expansion. Seems to me it would be much smarter to find a gradual way to expand the E.U.
Problem now is, E.U. membership is a binary: join, or not.
Seems to me if membership could be achieved in several steps over a period of a decade or so, the transition would be less traumatic, less threatening. I can even imagine Russia stepping onto the E.U. escalator, with certain additional non-aggression guarantees from Russia, that it won't turn economic prosperity into military conquest. Candidly that's what President GHWB should have done the year "The Wall' fell. It's a tragic, text book blunder the Ukrainians are now paying for in blood and treasure.
Yes a good piece of news, but as posted it will cause Moscow i.e. Putin to possibly "lose his cool" (if he has any left) and as posted "switch" too Nuclear weapons in his slowly depleting mind. I think we now have to face a reality that the War now being fought in Ukraine could spread. Interestingly the President of France has now joined with the rest of the countries of N.A.T.O. in sending a message of solidarity to the Russia President when only a few weeks ago the French President was quoting "we must not humiliate Russia". Interestingly on reading A.P.J Taylor's book as to early 30's to early 40's the similarity of what happened then and what's happening now are quite remarkable, the only big difference was Hitler never at the time had Nuclear Weapons if he had held up the War for a just may be 3 or 4 years, well I doubt I would sitting here.
The civilized world dodged a bullet for sure. I've wondered whether Hitler's Third Reich would have been a peaceful paradise, or merely a continuation of exterminating untermenschen.
Putin's ambitions seem somewhat more modest. But we can't say it's only Ukraine. It's already Ukraine and Crimea. Difficult to imagine there wouldn't have been more to follow, if the West hadn't sided with Ukraine. Still not clear to me why we let Putin slide on the Crimea deal.

I blame all this on President GHWB, the first of two Presidents Bush. Before GHWB was president he was head of the CIA, a master spy, as well as a WWII vet.
GHWB knew about the U.S. Marshall Plan. GHWB absolutely should have helped Russia up form the Cold War, helped integrate the economies. Instead GHWB and the rest of the world let Russia languish, where isolation caused resentments to fester. And here we are on the eve of U.S. Independence Day, and Russia is again at war.
Shame on GHWB.