April Fools Day


Well-known member
S2 #1

Thanks for the heads-up S2.

Happy Saturday April 2nd EVERYbody !
“When I was in Bangkok, I was eating at a restaurant with a friend when Bill Murray passed by, took a French fry from our basket, dipped it in ketchup, ate it, and said "No one's ever going to believe you" before walking out.” chatchy
A public service message from malwarephobe Bill Hank:


William Henry Harrison​

9th President of the United States in 1841​

William Henry Harrison (February 9, 1773 – April 4, 1841) was an American military officer and politician who served as the ninth president of the United States. Harrison died just 31 days after his inauguration in 1841, and had the shortest presidency in United States history. He was also the first United States president to die in office, and …

YOU are the original Internut!

Please don't pay any attention to this guy. His collar up "bad boy" persona never fooled anybody.

Enjoy an absolutely QWERTY April 1 !

The Case for Guerrilla Crosswalks​

Activists are painting unsanctioned DIY crosswalks at intersections in cities like Seattle and LA. Transportation officials should understand why.​

CityLab David Zipper
On Nov. 14, 2022, a crosswalk appeared at Seattle’s desolate intersection of Olive Way and Harvard Avenue. The city’s department of transportation was not happy about it. This new crosswalk was unauthorized; a group of residents of the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood painted it themselves. Two days later, Seattle Department of Transportation workers were at the scene, power-washing the zebra stripes into oblivion. https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-case-for-guerrilla-crosswalks?utm_source=pocket-newtab


Admin. note:
Not sure if the linked article is an April Fools special or not, but the added graphic is from Europe, not Seattle.
Enjoy your April Fool's Day safely, if you can.