Abortion: Dobbs v. Jackson - A wooden stake through the heart of Trump's "red wave"?


The 1973 United States Supreme Court Roe v. Wade ruling recognized women's right of choice.
The 2022 Supreme Court Dobbs v. Jackson revoked this right, leaving it to prevailing jurisdictions to acknowledge or usurp this right.

The power to impose, renew this abortion restriction was obtained by Republican political trickery if not treachery. Senate Leader McConnell [R] had previously dismissively declared "elections have consequences".
But when a Supreme Court vacancy appeared during the Obama administration Senator McConnell refused to fulfill his Constitutionally enumerated obligation to hold a confirmation hearing for Obama's nominee Merrick Garland.

The result was an artificial shift in the delicate ideological balance of the Supreme Court, prerequisite to the Dobbs ruling.

Republican ideological hypocrisy aside, the Dobbs ruling may have been a substantial contributor to blocking the "red wave" that former President Trump mentioned, and hoped for.

While the party in political power often loses political power in mid-term elections President Biden observed November 8's mid-term election has been the least detrimental to the party in power in 40 years. Was Dobbs part of the reason?

What does this portend for the Republican party political & social agenda?
The Roberts court Dobbs ruling fulfills a decades long Republican activist desire to usurp this Constitutional right first recognized by the 1973 7:2 Roe ruling.
Republicans have in the past condemned judicial activism, "legislation from the bench". Evidently it's not so bad as long as it usurps a Constitutional right.
The Dobbs electoral blow-back may not have been as severe as some anticipated. But you're right titan. The red wave Republicans hoped for may have resulted from Republicans being seduced by their own dire partisan rhetoric condemning Democrats in general and President Biden in particular.
It's the electoral penalty for preaching to the choir. To actually change the outcome of the vote, candidates must persuade the swing vote.
If there's a benefit for Republicans it may be a caution to them about the radicalism of the Republican activist agenda. "Watch what you wish for, for you may get it."
t #1 & R #2
It may not have been the implosion Democrats hoped for. But the "red tsunami" Republicans hoped for did not materialize. Whether the mid-term Republican fizzle will moderate the 2023 Republican political agenda is not yet clear.

What greater threat to the U.S. is there than the Republican party?
"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt, that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." U.S. President Bush (the younger) televised address to the U.S. March 17th, 2003