A.I.: Time For Congress To Set Some Rules?


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George Carlin's estate sues over AI-generated comedy special: 'We have to draw a line'​

'George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead' is a comedy special released earlier this month that was made using artificial intelligence​

By Emily Trainham Fox News / January 27, 2024 2:00am EST

The estate of late comedian George Carlin has filed a lawsuit against a media company that used artificial intelligence to create a comedy special impersonating his iconic style.
The special in question, titled "George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead," was released earlier this month. The lawsuit, filed Thursday in Los Angeles, asks that Dudesy, the company behind the special, take down the offending video immediately. The estate is also seeking unspecified damages.
"None of the Defendants had permission to use Carlin’s likeness for the AI-generated ‘George Carlin Special,’ nor did they have a license to use any of the late comedian’s copyrighted materials," the lawsuit states.

Not to dismiss the concerns of Carlin's heirs.
But this goes beyond comedy (philosophy), entertainment.

Reports are already filtering in of A.I. generated fakes of President Biden. On this early Monday morning, there may be no law in the U.S. specifically against this.

The U.S. democratic republic depends upon a well informed electorate. How can that work if we can't trust even video of our candidates stating their positions?

If you were MOC, and were to help draft statutory regulation, what key point/s would you include?