“Big brother is watching you.” George Orwell - BUT !! Who is "big brother"?


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1984 is a thrilling classic novel by George Orwell that brings readers into a dystopian society where citizens know “Big brother is watching you.”

Orwell warned of a convergence of authoritarianism and technology.

“Big brother is watching you.” George Orwell

But that seemed a warning about government.

Has commerce merged with the Internet acquired a "Big Brother" profile?
A few decades ago advertisers could only bluntly target their ads. Example: advertising farm tractors in farming magazines.

A new day has dawned. "Cookies" help spread the word when a search engine query is submitted.
"Google knows what kind of porn you download." Google CEO Eric Schmidt
That's nice Eric. But "they" may know more about you than you think.

The Constitutional protection against unwarranted search & seizure limits government, not Yahoo, Google, or ixQuick.

Reductio ad absurdum: where will it lead? Are the consumer protections currently in place sufficient?