Evolution, including Humans - More Evolved Than You Think? ... or Not So Much ?


Staff member
For this topic to reach your display screen, five separate forms of evolution must precede it.

- Cosmological: without the Big Bang, what we call the universe wouldn't exist
- Geological: before biological life can evolve, the basic chemical components must be present
- Biological: it took approximately as long for the first cell to evolve, as it has for multi-cellular organisms to reach contemporary levels
- Sociological: Buddha, Newton, Skinner, Wilson, & many others sparked new insights integrated into evolving society
- Technological: we've witnessed the analog to digital revolution

Each of these successive steps preceded you considering this topic.

Well tailored business attire may seem to suggest to some we have evolved beyond the animals. Actually, not so much. Wolves from the same pack may snarl, nip, quarrel over their share of the kill. Humans don't?
Humans in cultures of plenty have no need for "zero sum" supply squabbles. If your neighbor (or stranger) grabs from the supermarket shelf the product you'd planned to reach for, you can simply grab the identical container from the same display.

Some may believe humans don't snarl for their share of food because we've evolved biologically beyond the animals.
More likely, we don't need to because technological evolution, food and other commodities in abundant supply, renders it unnecessary.

Your desk calendar may include business or social appointments. Are you aware of how near the surface your own biological / animal drives are to who you are?
Thursday June 27, 2024 9PM/ET

First Presidential Debate: Hosted by CNN​

Joe Biden (Self), Donald Trump (Self)
2 hours
Live, CC, DD 5.1, HD 1080i, HDTV, Stereo
President Biden and former President Trump square off in the first Presidential Debate, hosted by CNN.

Sociological evolution, #4 in the above list, before our eyes in 1080HD.
Billions with a "B" humans infest our solar system. In this democratic republic we vote* for a government bureaucrat to make top level executive decisions on our behalf.
The candidate's debate is a tradition, ostensibly intended to provide useful distinctions between the candidates, to promote a better informed electorate.

Those tuning in tomorrow night may be horrified by how far the back-slide has gone.

Anyone that likes sausages or laws shouldn't watch either being made. Mark Shields

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” attributed to Winston L. S. Churchill

* not exactly, due to the electoral college, but approximately true.

One of the most conspicuous lessons we may gain from this "debate", the technology to broadcast and display it may be more advanced than the positions presented that sidestep our principles. This is it, sociological (political) evolution, in your living room.
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